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当前位置:主页 > TAG标签 > 新年
  • 新年快乐:红包用英语怎么说?

    Red envelopes红色信封 也翻译 作red packets Ang Pow福建方言 laisee (利是)广东方言 or Hung-Bao(红包), 小孩叫压岁钱, 生意人叫利市, 利市一词早在易经中便有记载, 带有本少利多的意思。 由此可见...

  • 2016新年计划:实现新年目标的10个窍门

    Learn Spanish? Finally quit smoking? Become a better cook? Whatever youve decided to achieve next year, you know all too well that youre probably going to fail, and that list of beautiful, aspirational goals is staying unfulfilled. Sorry. 想要学好西...

  • 新的一年 The New Year

    The year of 2014 has gone, the new year has come, I make many wishes in this year. First, I wish I can grow up quickly, so I can do many things. Second, I want to make progress in my study, giving myself confidence. Third, I plan to make a travel wit...

  • 新年到,你遭遇“新年障碍”了吗?

    新的一年来到,每个人都期望新年有新气象,有新的收获。可因为习惯思维的关系,大家在新年的前几周会时不时地把新年的日期写成去年的。这样的情况,我们就叫做 new year's block。 New yea...

  • 访谈录 2011-01-18&01-20 新年做全新的自己

    Did you know that people who make New Years resolutions are 10 times more likely to make a positive change than those who do not and if youre resolved to get healthy this year, then Dr. Mehmet Oz wants to help you. Hes here to tell us about his 11-we...

  • 人教版小学英语三年级上--学生用书Re2

    小学英语三年级人教版上学生用书Re2 Recycle 2 Let's act [00:02.85]循环2 让我们一起做动作 [00:05.69]Happy New Year,Miss White!Happy New Year! [00:09.08]新年快乐,White小姐!新年快乐! [00:12.46]This is for you!Thank you.I...

  • 想聊就聊-5.06.1新年

    Happy New Year! Thank you ! Same to you! Have you got any plans? I've bee invited over to a friend's. And you? My roommate's having a party....

  • Take Away English-New Year 新年

    Everyone is getting excited about the New Year New Year in the UK usually starts with a celebration on New Years Eve (31st December). Some people spend the evening at home with their family, or have a party for friends at their house. Others go to a...

  • 英语会话词典-E18新年


  • 新年贺词英文版

    一帆风顺: wish you every success 名列前茅: always come first in examinations 鹏程万里: have a bright future 风调雨顺: timely wind and rain bring good harvest 国泰民安: wi...
