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  • 新鲜英语早知道 第20期:来吧姑娘 坐下来喝一杯

    In 2014, Emma Watson was appointed as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassadorand helped launch the UN Women campaign HeForShe, which calls for men to advocate gender equality 2014年,艾玛被任命为联合国妇女署亲善大使,帮助发起活动他为了...

  • 新鲜英语早知道 第19期:一起吹空调聊点儿艺术呗

    This wine is good stuff. 这酒真是个好东西, or wheres all my stuff? 该死我的东西到底去哪儿了! They needed to find certain stones coming from Afghanistan which were incredibly expensive. 首先,你得去买一些阿富汗产的有...

  • 新鲜英语早知道 第18期:怎么全中国都在晒马甲线

    Not long ago, actress yuanshanshan triggered a hashtag get out of entertainment on sina weibo. 不久前,袁姗姗在新浪微博上被贴上滚出娱乐圈的标签。 A hashtag is a word or a phrase prefixed with the symbol # 标签就是附有前缀...

  • 新鲜英语早知道 第17期:和旧朋友一起吃的糖 还甜么

    How to email with an old friend after falling out of touch. 怎样给一个失联多年的老朋友写邮件。 Fall out of touch 失联 keep in touch 保持联系 We were once close but drifted. 我们曾经很亲密,但是后来渐行渐远。 cl...

  • 新鲜英语早知道 第16期:涂色书重回成人世界 一起来不插电减压

    Secret garden is an adult coloring book, which has been on the the Amazon bestselling books list recently and even been sold out now. 秘密花园是一本成人涂色书,已经在亚马逊畅销榜单上名列前茅,日前还频频脱销。 A gr...

  • 新鲜英语早知道 第15期:关于毕业旅行和最近

    In the restless dreams I walk alone, narrow streets of cobblestone, neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp. 无数不安的梦中,我独自漫步,漫步在铺满鹅卵石的街道上,街灯光晕将我笼罩,我...

  • 新鲜英语早知道 第14期:北漂不是两三天

    people who live and work in Beijing, while without Beijing registered residence and change their houses from time to time. 是指那些在北京工作和生活的人,但是他们没有北京户口,并且时不时地就要搬家。 Now, one-bedroo...

  • 新鲜英语早知道 第13期:被迫低下头 却恰好看到手心的宝石

    Shanghai was his second stop on his spring tour. 在他的春季巡演里,上海是第二站。 my life is a song tour. 我的人生就像一场巡演。 The tour now heads to South China. 现在他的巡演在一路南下。 不擅长跟观众互动...

  • 新鲜英语早知道 第12期:喝碗鸡汤就不哭了呗

    Do not stop doing the things that make you feel good, because the things that make you feel good are what makes life worth living. 要继续做那些你喜欢的事情,因为它们才能真正让人生有价值。 Sth makes life worth living 某物让...

  • 新鲜英语早知道 第11期:春分无事 正好梦

    The cold winter sky changed to the warming, vernal type. 冰冷的冬日天空变成了温暖和煦的模样。 The new, green life shoots up from the earth like a beacon of sunlight,ushering in new freedoms. 新兴的绿色生命,都从地下冒了出...
