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  • 第274期:Trouble is a friend(上)

    今天来学一首传唱度非常高的英文歌《Trouble is a friend》,歌手是大家的非常熟悉的Lenka啦。我们在以前的节目中也教唱过Lenka的歌曲《The Show》,感兴趣的同学可以回听一下这首同样非常好听的歌...

  • 第273期:前任撩你 要怎么优雅的怼回去

    今天分享的是拒绝前任的方法。 前任.png 01 Man: Hi! I'm going to Nashville in a few days. Any places I absolutely have to go? 男:我过段时间要去纳什维尔,有什么地方是必去的吗? Women: Hell 女:地狱 02 Man: H...

  • 第272期:万圣节鬼故事

    重点词汇 pitch: vt. 投;掷;定位于; schedule: vt. 安排,计划;编制目录;将列入计划表 There are two twin brothers named Ricky and Bobby who enjoyed playing baseball. Rickey was always the pitcher and Bobby was always the...

  • 第271期:turn out

    重点词汇 elope vi.私奔;潜逃 petrified adj.惊呆的;目瞪口呆的 spur-of-the-moment adj.不加思索的;一时冲动的;立刻的 turn out v.(以某种方式)发生;最后是;结果是; 1. We eloped over the weekend. It turned...

  • 第270期:一年之计在于晨

    《论语》中有这样一句话: 曾子曰:吾日三省吾身;为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎? 翻成白话是这样: 我每天必定用三件事反省自己:替人谋事有没有不尽心尽力的地方?...

  • 第269期:学一首连续九周蝉联美国单曲榜冠军的歌

    重点词汇 in one's way: 挡道的; 妨碍人的; 使人不便的; (英) 近在咫尺; rip: v.撕成; 扯破,撕坏 I threw a wish in the well 我将一个愿望投入许愿池中 Don't ask me I'll never tell 别问我,我绝不泄露 I looke...

  • 第268期:别在做话题终结者了

    重点词汇 people person: 善于交际的人 ego: 自我,字符,自尊心 1. Don't Try to Be Popular. 2. Think of Others more than you think of yourself. 3. Be Yourself. 4. Have a big Heart. 5. Reduce Your Ego. 6. Humor 1. 不要刻意迎合别人...

  • 第267期:爱的目光

    重点词汇 sprinkle vt. 洒;微雨;散置 trace vt. 追踪,查探;描绘;回溯 peer into 往中仔细看 A grandmother and a little girl whose face was sprinkled with bright red freckles spent the day at the zoo. The children were waitin...

  • 第266期:on your own

    重点词汇 communal adj.公共的;公社的 survive vi.幸存;活下来 1.People aren't always there for you, that's why you learn to handle things on your own. 人们并不总是在你身边,所以你要学会靠自己处理事情。 2.Someh...

  • 第265期:学会用自己的时间来投资自己

    重点词汇 invest vt.投资; 花费; The only thing you really have in your life is time. And if you invest that time in yourself, to have great experiences that are going to enrich you, then you cant possibly lose. Steve Jobs, Entrepreneur 「你真...
