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  • PBS高端访谈:缅怀诗人唐纳德·霍尔

    JUDY WOODRUFF: Finally tonight, Jeffrey Brown remembers renowned writer Donald Hall, widely considered one of the greatest poets of his generation. JEFFREY BROWN: In 1975, Donald Hall came to live on the small Wilmot, New Hampshire, farm he'd visited...

  • PBS高端访谈:尼加拉瓜民众抗议政府

    Hari Sreenivasan: Many of the migrants crossing the southern border with the United States are fleeing violence in their home countries in Central America, most often Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. But there is another crisis in the region, th...

  • PBS高端访谈:特朗普政府向煤炭业倾斜

    Hari Sreenivasan: The operators of coal and nuclear power plants got a boost from the Trump administration this week. The president ordered energy secretary Rick Perry to prepare immediate steps to stop the often unprofitable plants from shutting dow...

  • PBS高端访谈:沙特女性终于上路了

    JOHN YANG: But first: Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that forbids women from driving. But this Sunday marks a milestone, when that prohibition ends. Nick Schifrin looks at the state of women's rights in the kingdom and the long and win...

  • PBS高端访谈:更新艺术消费的道德标准

    JOHN YANG: In this MeToo era, there is artistic question to consider: How do we think about Charlie Rose interviews, Miramax movies, or Cosby Show reruns? In other words, should we separate the art from the artist? Earlier this week, the influential...

  • PBS高端访谈:走进变性人杰克逊·伯德的世界

    JUDY WOODRUFF: Next, we turn to another installment of our weekly Brief But Spectacular series, where we ask people about their passions. Tonight, in honor of LGBTQ Pride Month, we hear from YouTube contributor Jackson Bird. He hosts the podcast Tran...

  • PBS高端访谈:联合国抨击美国边境做法不合情理

    JUDY WOODRUFF: There were fresh calls today for the Trump administration to end its policy of separating families at the U.S.-Mexico border. William Brangham begins our coverage. WILLIAM BRANGHAM: The numbers show the scope of the crisis. According t...

  • PBS高端访谈:独自旅游 自由相伴

    JUDY WOODRUFF: You may be planning a summer vacation, trying to coordinate schedules with friends and family, but maybe there's another way, even a better way, to take a vacation. People are traveling alone in record numbers. Tonight, New York Times...

  • PBS高端访谈:DNA革命帮助揭开远古人类之谜

    JUDY WOODRUFF: Now: who we are and how we got here. Jeffrey Brown takes a time traveling look at how modern researchers are using the latest DNA sequencing technology to understand the movements and interactions of very ancient humans. It is the late...

  • PBS高端访谈:一卷胶卷引发的回忆

    JUDY WOODRUFF: Now to our NewsHour Shares, something interesting that caught our eye. In 1906, a massive earthquake and out-of-control fire devastated San Francisco. In 2017, an century-old film turned up at a California flea market. After seeing the...
