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  • PBS高端访谈:美国华盛顿州列车脱轨 6人死亡多人受伤

    Judy Woodruff: The wreckage of an Amtrak train lies strewn around an overpass in Washington state tonight. It derailed this morning with 84 people on board. At least six were killed and dozens were hurt. The southbound train went off the rails near t...

  • PBS高端访谈:谁将从共和党税改中获利?

    Hari Sreenivasan: The delivery of the 1000 page plus GOP tax plan late yesterday marks an important step toward the first major legislative victory for the Trump administration. The final vote on the bill is expected next week before heading to the p...

  • PBS高端访谈:美国共和党急于敲定税收改革法案

    Judy Woodruff: On Capitol Hill, House and Senate Republicans are rushing to finish their overhaul of the tax code, with the goal of holding a final vote next week. As our William Brangham reports, details of the compromise are still emerging, as are...

  • PBS高端访谈:美国纽约发生地铁炸弹袭击

    Judy Woodruff: Two weeks before Christmas, residents and workers in New York City experienced another frightening moment. An explosion occurred in a passageway in the subway near the Port Authority bus terminal. The would-be suicide bomber left at le...

  • PBS高端访谈:美国加州山林大火致居民撤离

    Miles O'brien: New evacuations are spreading along the Southern California coast tonight, as wildfires burn out of control. The flames so far have destroyed at least 200 homes and other buildings, forcing tens of thousands of people to leave. The big...

  • PBS高端访谈:特朗普宣布承认耶路撒冷为以色列首都的影响

    Judy Woodruff: Leaders of Arab and Muslim countries around the globe are warning tonight of disaster, while Israel's leaders are hailing President Trump's dramatic policy shift on Jerusalem. John Yang begins our coverage. John Yang: It was a move lon...

  • PBS高端访谈:特朗普下令缩小犹他州国家纪念地的影响

    Miles O'brien: President Trump traveled to Utah today, where he dramatically cut back the size of two national monuments in that state. It fulfills a pledge made months ago, and continues the Trump administration's rollback of key parts of President...

  • PBS高端访谈:过渡团队官员知悉弗林与俄罗斯方面进行通话

    Hari Sreenivasan: In a news story the New York Times this weekend there's more evidence that Michael Flynn was acting on behalf of President Trump's transition team when he was in contact with the Russian ambassador to the United States. Joining me n...

  • PBS高端访谈:朝鲜方面再次试射导弹

    Judy Woodruff: Now: North Korea tests a new missile, rattling nerves in Asia and here in Washington. William Brangham has the story. William Brangham: The North Korean news anchor hailed the latest launch, delivering a statement from the nation's lea...

  • PBS高端访谈:罗马教皇方济各首访缅甸时机微妙

    William Brangham: Pope Francis arrived in Myanmar today with an appeal to end the crisis affecting the Rohingya Muslims in the majority Buddhist country; 600,000 Rohingya have fled to neighboring Bangladesh since August, fleeing violent attacks by go...
