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  • 《柯南脱口秀》第212期:女生之旅

    My gosh.Hi,everybody.You look,you're on fire today. 天呐 大家好 你今天太帅了 I wonder why.You were not wearing this.I did. 不知道为什么呢 你之前没穿这个 I like to visit certain guests before the show.yes. 我有时候喜欢去后...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第211期:虎克船长

    Conan,a guy in a headset is telling me to say my line. 柯南 一个戴耳机的家伙让我说台词 Ok,I can't help you.I don't know your line.Come on,man. 我帮不了你 我又不知道你什么台词 得了 伙计 You got help me.Ok,fine.What wa...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第210期:电视的大日子

    We got great television tonight.This is an exciting night for television. 今晚节目很棒 今晚是电视的大日子 You know,Andy,tonight is the night of that live Peter pan musical on NBC. 安迪 今晚NBC放松直播彼得潘音乐剧 Oh,yeah,...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第209期:结婚纪念日

    I got an award for that joke.Put it right over here in my mind. 我靠这段子获奖了 就放在我脑子里 Crazy story,today in Oklahoma,two men dressed as batman and captain America tried to rob someone at a gas station. 疯狂的消息 今天在俄...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第208期:井子游戏

    What else is going on?North Korea,crazy news out of North Korea. 还有什么 朝鲜一则疯狂的新闻 North Korea has ordered people with the same name as Kim Jong-un to change their names. 朝鲜要求 与金正恩重名的人改名 Yes.If you h...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第207期:超越美国

    They were making noises.Why can't I make noises? 他们也乱叫了啊 我怎么就不能 Sometimes I want to do it back to them.I know,I know. 有时候我就想回敬他们 是啊 Actually why they're cheering I'm always going,bop,beep. 他们欢呼的...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第206期:重要的话题

    She can't follow me?I love her on twitter. 她不能关注我吗 我喜欢推特上的她 Ok,you're bitter she unfollowed you. 你很难过她取消了关注 I'm a little bitter,because I like following her twitter,so I like to be followed back. 有点...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第205期:少年时代

    Now you are,what about boyhood? boyhood. 那么 《少年时代》呢 《少年时代》 This is a movie that follows real actors over 12 years. 这部电影跟踪拍摄了演员们12年 Yes,12 years.It's a great movie. 是的 12年 这部电影很棒...

  • 生活美语脱口秀—亲爱的,我想和你去兜兜风

    阳光灿烂,鸟语花香的周末, 你一定很想好好放松一下身心吧, 那么不妨约上一两个好友,驾着车出去兜兜风, 亲近美丽的大自然吧. 这个时候你就得用上这个...

  • 流利英语脱口秀

