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  • 《柯南脱口秀》第194期:最赞的越狱

    A surgeon in California accidentally removed a prison inmate's wrong kidney. 加州一名外科医师 不小心切错了一名犯人的肾脏 Either that or a kidney just pulled off the most amazing prison escape in history. 要么 就是那颗肾完成...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第193期:年度之夜

    Speaking of sports,a man at the Brooklyn nets game last night,did you see this? 说到体育 大家知道吗 昨晚观看布鲁克林篮网队比赛的一名男子 Was removed for beating another fan with a prosthetic leg. 因为用假腿打另一名球...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第192期:解散橄榄球队

    Crazy story out of North Korea,and that's saying something,Ok? 朝鲜一则疯狂的消息 这很能说明问题了 Cause on an average day in North Korea,it's pretty insane,right? 朝鲜平常的一天就够疯狂了 This is actually a weird story o...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第191期:奇怪的城市

    Thank you,please,thank you.Why is this socially unacceptable,why? 谢谢大家 好了 为什么这不被社会认同啊 This feels really good. 感觉好棒啊 yeah,it's kind of disturbing for the viewer.I'm sure it's great for you. 对观众来说有...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第190期:最毫无头绪的人

    You might be the most clueless guy.Hu,uh?I don't know.How did that happen? 你可能是最毫无头绪的人 什么啊 我不知道 那是怎么回事 It goes under the category of no good deed goes unpunished. 因为好人难做啊 My friend,George...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第189期:首次银幕触电

    And at the end of it,they put up a clip,and they put up a picture of Jonathan banks and it is me. 最后 他们发布了一段短片 放上了乔纳森班克斯的照片 结果是我 So a whole nation wants you captured and they put your picture up. 所...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第188期:一丝幽默感

    What's one of the strange encounters you've had with a fan? 你和粉丝有什么奇怪的邂逅 The other day I was at the pharmacy and I'm there that shadow falls over the back of me and I turned around, 那天我在药店里 我在那里 我身后出...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第187期:最贴心的人

    Jonathan,great to see you.Really nice to see you. 乔纳森 见到你真好 很高兴见到你 So your parents slapped you around,did they? 你父母经常打你 对吧 That's from a different show. 这是另一部剧里的 You know,Jonathan,it's nic...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第186期:疯狂的美梦

    Dustin Hoffman's in this movie.yeah.that's got to be an insane dream. 达斯汀霍夫曼参演了电影 一定是非常疯狂的美梦 I mean,you've worked with a lot of greats,I worked with the four biggies. 你和那么多大牌一起合作 我和四...

  • 《柯南脱口秀》第185期:一直都想看电视

    Last night,so my kids,you know,they want to watch TV all the time. 昨晚 我的孩子们 他们一直都想看电视 And I try to pretend,all right,if I put on a good show,it will be good for them and it's not bad that they're watching TV, 我试着假...
