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  • 英语PK台 第150期:求职应聘VS离职解雇

    Dialogue 1: (Jingjing is invited for her first interview with the HR department of alarge software company) (京晶被一家大型软件公司人力部门邀请参加第一次面试) Xiao Gao: Thank you for coming, Jingjing, I've run through yo...

  • 英语PK台 第149期:从ABC开始扔掉字幕看《老友记》(23)

    地点:钱德勒公寓客厅 人物:钱德勒,乔伊 事件:钱德勒因为担心小鸡退回去之后被杀掉,就没有将乔伊之前买的小鸡退还;不仅如此,他还带回了一只鸭子。 Chandler: I know. See, yes. That's Ja...

  • 英语PK台 第148期:家在何方(2)

    Section 2: When I got out of my car, the air was pulsing. The whole place was absolutely silent, but the silence wasn't an absence of noise. It was really a presence of a kind of energy or quickening. And at my feet was the great, still blue plate of...

  • 英语PK台 第147期:家在何方

    Section 1: Where do you come from? It's such a simple question, but these days, of course, simple questions bring ever more complicated answers. And if Where do you come from? means Where were you born and raised and educated? then I'm entirely of th...

  • 英语PK台 第146期:那些男孩女孩的小心思(2)

    Dialogue 2 Xiao Gao: Now that you told me what girls look for in their boy friends,do you know what guys want their girlfriends to be like? 小高:你刚刚已经告诉了我女孩子们想要她们的男朋友怎么样,你想知道男生们希望他...

  • 英语PK台 第145期:那些男孩女孩的小心思

    Dialogue 1 Jingjing: Xiao Gao, how's everything going with you and Jennifer? 京晶:小高,你和珍妮弗最近怎么样? Xiao Gao: I'm not sure, she seems pretty happy, but she never says what's on her mind, so I don't know if she's really ha...

  • 英语PK台 第144期:爱丁堡国际艺术节

    Track one 70th Anniversary will be 2017 The World literally is focussed on Edinburgh There is a whole range of things many people come and they try to replicate what happens in Edinburgh no one really succeeds Because it is a combination of planning,...

  • 英语PK台 第143期:从ABC开始扔掉字幕看《老友记》(22)

    地点:莫妮卡公寓客厅 人物:莫妮卡,菲比,钱德勒,罗斯,瑞秋 事件:莫妮卡从施薇亚姑姑那里得到了梦寐以求的玩偶屋,邀请菲比来玩。菲比带来了很多与玩偶屋风格不相符的东西,让莫...

  • 英语PK台 第142期:上帝把你投诉了(2)

    Dialogue 2: (The manager takes her offending employee,Mr. Gao, to her office to share the complaint) (经理带着她被投诉的员工高先生到她的办公室谈话) Jingjing: Alright, Mr. Gao, do you know why you're here? 京晶:高先生,...

  • 英语PK台 第141期:上帝把你投诉了(1)

    Dialogue 1: (Xiao Gao has returned to the store where he bought his phone, he hassome complaints about the customer service) (小高又回到他买手机的那个店,他想要投诉一个店员的服务态度) Jingjing: Yes, how can I help you?...
