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  • 慢着!先停火!

    A cry of: waiter! And the fighting stopped Can you believe: at Christmas, 1914. British and German troops climbed out of the trenches[战壕] to play soccer in no man's land. Then the war resumed... 你...

  • 希特勒轶著(Hitler's secret book)

    Mein Kampf is the one book title by which Adolf Hitler is known. But he wrote a second book, one that was never published... 阿道夫.希特勒的《我的奋斗》已是广为人知。但你知道吗?...

  • 春节(Spring Festival)

    Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon(新月)on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon(满月)15 days later. The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival(元...

  • 情人节(Valentine's Day)

    First, let's learn something about the history of Valentine's Day: 【History of Valentine's Day】 As you know, Valentine's Day is a day to express your love, and to celebrate the spirit of love. So,...

  • “手机”检验不忠配偶

    'Cellphone' tests cheating spouses A comic film for the New Year is supposed to bring laughter and happiness, but this is one that has made quite a few couples walk out of cinemas. And they're not lau...

  • 了解“地球日”

    All About Earthday By Senator Gaylord Nelson, Founder of Earth Day 本文作者为“地球日”的创办人盖洛.尼尔生 What was the purpose of Earth Day? How did it start? These are the questio...

  • 中国礼节

    Chinese Etiquette 在外国人的眼中,中国人的礼节有时是很令人费解的。让我们来看看外国人眼中的中国礼节: Chinese courtesies have always been formal to follow stric...

  • 清明节的传统

    The Tradition of Ching Ming Festival 每年的清明定在二十四节气的春分后的第十五天,清明节是子孙们去扫墓祭祖的节日,人们会带祭品前往祭祖,同时打扫和清...

  • 马关条约

    Treaty of Shimonoseki 2005年4月17日是马关条约签订110周年。110年前的今天,北洋大臣李鸿章在日本马关签订了《马关条约》(Treaty of Shimonoseki),割让辽东半岛、...

  • 独立宣言

    The Declaration of Independence 最近看了尼古拉斯·凯奇主演的新片《国家财富》(National Treasure),本来是一个颇为老套的根据藏宝图寻宝的故事。此片的新奇却在...
