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  • 60秒科学: 寄生虫分布图

    莎士比亚说,一条虫可以吃掉一个死去的国王。不幸的是,寄生虫可以感染活着的人类,特别是小孩。 Shakespeare noted that a worm may eat a king, after that king is dead. Sadly, parasitic worms infect people who ar...

  • 60秒科学: 提高能源效率比单纯的节约能源更重要

    我们多数人都知道应该控制能源的使用,但我们首先应该知道怎样做才是最好的方式。 Most of us know we should rein in our energy use. But to be successful, itd help if we knew the best way to do it. So scientists asked...

  • 60秒科学:物种胜出 背后有因

    美国加州梅林镇的海岸有一种名叫泰德斯茺(Tidestrom)的豆科植物,正在垂死挣扎。它们的生存正在受到一种外来植物的威胁,名叫欧洲滩头草。 At Point Reyes National Seashore in Marin County, Califor...

  • 60秒科学:香槟如何倒才更香醇?

    You don't have to be a champagne buff to want the best flavor from your bubbly. So the secret to a perfect glass? It's all in the pour, according to a study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. A key player in champagne's taste is its d...

  • 60秒科学:脑波促眠有奇效

    Ahhh, sleep. Theres nothing better than a nice, long, uninterrupted [LOUD NOISE]. Awwgh. I cant sleep when theres [NOISE]. But dya ever notice: noise [NOISE] doesnt wake everyone. Now scientists have a better idea why. Because sound sleepers show a c...

  • 60秒科学:史前第一刀


  • 60秒科学:小舌钉引发大牙缝

    给舌头打洞装舌钉常常会导致口腔感染,牙齿的磨损与破损,或是口腔外伤。那位女生后来呢? 她戴上了牙套用以把两颗门牙重新矫正回去,这可没舌钉那么帅了吧。 Thats what it might sound lik...

  • 60秒科学:会唱歌的蓝鲸

    Scientists analyzed around 2,500 of those calls, and found that the second part (sound) is nearly identical in pitch every time from each whale: 16 hertz, or four octaves below middle C. And the slight variations in frequency that do exist are only a...

  • 60秒科学:转基因油菜作物逃离农场

    One of the concerns about working with genetically modified crops has been that vegetation growing in agricultural fields might escape out into the world. Now, for the first time in the U.S., researchers report a large population of GM crops beyond t...

  • 60秒科学:利用录音发现青蛙的数量可能被高估了

    Frog census volunteers misinterpreted recorded frog sounds in the field, leading researchers to suspect that frog populations may be even lower than thought. Declining frog populations are considered an indicator of environmental damage. But new rese...
