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  • 60秒科学:智能手机可能正在泄露你的隐私

    启用GPS,智能手机里很多应用程序就能助你一臂之力。不过启用之后,那些应用程序到底干了些什么,你清楚吗? Researchers tracked the activity of 30 popular Android apps and found that half reported info to th...

  • 60秒科学:社交能力强的团队优于仅仅智商高的团

    研究表明,那些社交能力强的团队的要优于仅仅智商高的团队。 Groups of two to five members who interacted with each other best outperformed groups whose individual members had higher intelligence scores. Karen Hopkin reports I...

  • 60秒科学:身高与基因密切相关

    人的身高很大程度上取决于基因,其他因素如饮食和环境对身高也有所影响。 Analysis of DNA from 180,000 people finds dozens of gene regions associated with height differences, and shows how researchers can analyze traits t...

  • 60秒科学:老年人行路安全要避免喝酒

    研究表明,老年人喝酒后会影响行路时避开障碍物的灵活性。 Subjects with an average age of 62 had trouble avoiding an obstacle placed on a treadmill after consuming even small amounts of alcohol. Cynthia Graber reports A signif...

  • 60秒科学:城市生活增强感染性疾病抵抗力

    The descendants of longtime urban dwellers show increased genetically driven resistance to tuberculosis, due to evolutionary selection pressure over millennia. Christopher Intagliata reports 城市长久居住民的后代,经过数千年的自然选择...

  • 60秒科学:用身体动作来充电电池植入的医疗设备

    最新研制一种新的医疗设备,可以利用身体动作来充电。 Novel materials could allow the implantation of flexible, rechargeable batteries that would constantly recharge from the body's own movements--even just breathing. Cynthia Gr...

  • 60秒科学:卡路里可以目测吗?

    Subjects varied their estimates of the calorie content of a food depending on the assumed negative or positive healthful qualities of the food item they had previously been shown--with weird consequences. Cynthia Graber reports Dieters may try to est...

  • 60秒科学:鸟儿唱歌早,一样惹人忧

    人工照明能使会唱歌的鸟儿早上更早的开始唱歌,这可能引起什么样的后果呢?究竟是好,还是不好? Artificial lighting is making songbirds start singing earlier in the day, with possible consequences for breeding....

  • 60秒科学:成为一名优秀的海盗船长

    现代海盗数量不多,索马里海域的除外,但很多男孩受电影和小说影响仍怀揣着海盗梦。那么,成为一名优秀的海盗船长需要具备哪些条件呢? On this International Talk Like a Pirate Day, one eyewitness a...

  • 60秒科学:在棒球棍上耍聪明?麻烦学学物理先~~

    What distance a power hitter gains using a lighter corked bat he loses in collision efficiency. But a singles hitter may get solid contact more often with the lighter, illegal bat. Steve Mirsky reports 强力的击球手用软木填塞球棍得到的那...
