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  • 经济学人347:胚胎干细胞 进展中的干细胞研究 Science and technology 科学技术 Embryonic stem cells 胚胎干细胞 Looking up 进展中的干细胞研究 Stem-cell research is now bearing fruit 干细胞研究开始结出硕果 FOURTEEN years ago James Thomson of the University of Wisconsin
  • 经济学人348:为啥斑马身上是条纹 Science and technology 科学技术 Why zebra are striped 为啥斑马身上是条纹 Horse sense 马识 Are zebra stripes just an elaborateinsect repellent? 斑马身上的斑纹只是精致的驱虫器吗? Imagine what it looks like to a fly 想象
  • 经济学人349:人类本质 什么是人类 Science and technology 科学技术 The nature of humanity 人类本质 What's a man? 什么是人类 Studies of brain genetics are starting to reveal what makes humans human 大脑遗传研究,为你解开人之所以为人的奥秘 THE problem wi
  • 经济学人350:太阳能 花朵的能量 Science and technology 科学技术 Solar energy 太阳能 Flower power 花朵的能量 In matters of clever design, nature has often got there first 若论巧夺天工,自然常常更胜一筹 A virtuous spiral 上面的螺纹看似简单,实际有
  • 经济学人351:蜂群崩坏症候群 蜂群崩坏 Science and technology 科学技术 Colony collapse disorder 蜂群崩坏症候群 Bee off 蜂群崩坏 A possible explanation of why beehives sometimes vanish 有可能解释清楚为什么蜂群有时会突然死亡 HONEYBEES are sensitive creature
  • 经济学人352:锻炼与长寿 Science and technology 科学技术 Exercise and longevity 锻炼与长寿 Worth all the sweat 出点汗,值了! Just why exercise is so good for people is, at last, being understood 为什么锻炼有利于身体健康呢,人们终于知道答案
  • 经济学人353:无人驾驶汽车 Driverless cars 无人驾驶汽车 In the self-driving seat 坐在无人驾驶汽车的座位上 Google is miles ahead of its rivals in the race for autonomous motoring 谷歌在无人驾驶领域研发的竞争中已甩开对手几条街 Not quite a
  • 经济学人354:生殖技术 代孕妈妈 Reproductive technology 生殖技术 Mum, Dad and Mitomum 妈妈,爸爸与代孕妈妈 Britain may allow babies with three biological parents 英有望允许新生儿有三个亲身父母 ASSISTED reproduction is one of those rare areas in which Br
  • 经济学人355:机器人世界杯 RoboCup 机器人世界杯 Humans 1, Machines 7 人机对战1:7 When will robots do to football what computers did to chess? 当机器人踢足球能和电脑下象棋一样好的时候 MESSI v the Machine was how some commentators touted the World C
  • 经济学人356:日本科学界 压力测试 Science in Japan 日本科学界 Stress test 压力测试 After a scandal, a renowned stem-cell scientist commits suicide 爆出丑闻后,一位大名鼎鼎的干细胞科学家自杀 Dr Sasai faces the music 聚光镜前的笹井博士 WHAT happen
  • 经济学人357:人工智能和心理学 Artificial intelligence and psychology 人工智能和心理学 The computer will see you now 现在电脑能给你看病了 A virtual shrink may sometimes be better than the real thing 有时候,虚拟缩小版反而比实际事物更好 ELLIE is
  • 经济学人358:计量测定学 识别人们的行踪 Science and technology 科学技术 Biometrics 计量测定学 Clocking people's clocks 识别人们的行踪 Facial-recognition systems are getting better 面部识别系统愈发完善 WITH some pride, the FBI trumpeted the news last month that tha
  • 经济学人:天体物理 尘归尘土归土 Astrophysics 天体物理 Dust to dust 尘归尘,土归土 A dramatic recent discovery in physics is looking rather dodgy 近期,物理学中的一项戏剧性发现看上出非常模糊 IN MARCH Chao-Lin Kuo, an astrophysicist at Stanford Univer
  • 经济学人:粒腺体影响男性寿命 粒腺体阻断 Mitochondria and male lifespan 粒腺体影响男性寿命 Power down 粒腺体阻断 Women outlive men. An evolutionary curiosity may explain this 女性比男性寿命长久。欲知为何,请看进化学分解 Mankiller? 男性健康杀手? WH
  • 经济学人:显示屏 新的电子图案显示方法 Display screens 显示屏 Going through a phase 相转变 A new way to create electronic images 新的电子图案显示方法 Wave of the future? 未来之波 LIQUID-CRYSTAL displays are a familiar and ubiquitous technology. But if Harish Bhaskaran