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  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第31期 蹒跚学步(14) In the Falklands, RockhopperCam waits for the males to return from their fishing trip. 在福克兰群岛,跳岩企鹅摄像机在等待着雄企鹅捕鱼归来 In the two weeks they've been away, they may have travelled over a thousand miles in th
  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第32期 蹒跚学步(15) Gulls watch for any lapse of concentration. 海鸥等待着企鹅分散注意力 They snatch a chick the moment a back is turned. 母亲一转身,孩子就被海鸥叼走了 Skuas add to the mounting toll... 贼鸥也抢走了不少小企鹅 And so
  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第33期 蹒跚学步(16) One child snatcher tries to force the chick into her pouch, 一个绑匪想逼小企鹅进它的育儿袋 but she's way too big. 但小企鹅太大了 She makes a break for it, then gives them the run-around through the colony. 它逃脱了,大企鹅
  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第34期 蹒跚学步(17) Finally, eggcam is back in the Rockhopper colony. 终于,企鹅蛋又回到了企鹅群里 This childless couple can hardly believe their luck. 这对没有孩子的企鹅夫妇不敢相信自己的好运 Eggcam is a gift from the skies. 企鹅蛋摄
  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第35期 蹒跚学步(18) As the cormorants stream out to sea, the pressure is released. 鸬鹚纷纷出海之后,危机解除了 It takes a whole hour for them to leave. 它们用了整整一小时才全部起飞 With most of the cormorants gone, the males can finally retu
  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第36期 成长的烦恼(1) It's late spring in the Antarctic. 在南极,现在已是晚春 Like all our chicks, the emperors are growing up, 跟其他幼雏一样,帝企鹅宝宝也都在长大 having been born and raised in some of the most extreme conditions on earth. 这些
  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第37期 成长的烦恼(2) Made it, but she still must prove her identity. 终于成功了,但是还得接受身份检查 If the father feeds the wrong chick, 如果企鹅爸爸喂错了孩子 the week he spent fishing would be wasted. 它一个星期的捕猎将会白费 He
  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第38期 成长的烦恼(3) Their incessant begging drives their parents to endlessly go fishing. 它们不停地索要食物,企鹅父母只好多次外出捕猎 Each journey involves yet another trek across the hot desert. 然而每次外出都要长途跋涉穿越沙漠 Hu
  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第39期 成长的烦恼(4) For once, things have gone in the Humboldts' favour. 终于洪堡企鹅有了优势 The cormorants may have cleared the area, 鸬鹚们把海滩清理干净了 but the penguins now have to compete with them for fish. 但是现在企鹅得和它们竞争
  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第40期 成长的烦恼(5) The chicks are all learning to grow up. 小企鹅都要学会成长 Like the emperors, the rockhopper adolescents 和帝企鹅一样,未成年的跳岩企鹅 spend most of their time waiting for their parents to return. 无时无刻不在等待着爸
  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第41期 成长的烦恼(6) Their best defence is to re-form their huddle - there's always safety in numbers. 最好的防御就是重新组成企鹅群,人多就安全了 They create a wall of bodies, difficult for the attacker to penetrate. 它们用身体筑起了围墙,攻
  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第42期 成长的烦恼(7) Soon, the chicks have another reason to leave for the sea 很快,小企鹅有了新的理由需要奔向大海 they all need a bath! 它们需要洗个澡 At the emperor colony, an ice rink has suddenly appeared! 帝企鹅聚集地上突然出现了一
  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第43期 成长的烦恼(8) Faced by the trickiest jump of all, they decide better of it. 面对着最有挑战性的跳跃,它们决定还是绕道为妙 It was a wise decision, the Atlantic swell is massive today. 这是个明智的选择,今天大西洋海浪滔天 There
  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第44期 成长的烦恼(9) Identity checked and confirmed. 身份确认完毕 The parents lead their chick away from the begging masses, to feed him undisturbed. 这对父母把自己的孩子带离拥挤的乞食群,安静地给它喂食 Soon, he'll be big enough to leave f
  • 纪录片《卧底企鹅帮》 第45期 成长的烦恼(10) Jumping is infectious, and everyone joins in. 跳跃真是种富有传染力的运动,慢慢地,大家都加入了进来 It's all about strengthening the leg muscles. 只要加强腿部肌肉的运动就好了 Even Eggcam gets caught up in the ex