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  • 美国语文第五册 第286期:泼冷水的艺术(2) He invented imaginary dialogues between the unfortunate inventor, say of the wheel, and his particular friend, some eminent cold-water pourer. 他还撰写与那位背运的轮船设计师之间虚拟对话。他谈到车轮,谈到他那位超凡脱俗
  • 美国语文第五册 第287期:泼冷水的艺术(3) We had found fire for ages, in a proper way, taking a proper time about it, by rubbing two sticks together. 很久以前,人类以某种合适方式、在某种特定场合下发现了火。那时,野人迫切需要生火,他们将两根枝干相
  • 美国语文第五册 第288期:泼冷水的艺术(4) He did not deny that it was beautiful; but he instantly fastened upon a small crack in it that nobody had observed; 他不否认那创意挺好,但只死死盯住那东西内部的某道细缝,而其他人均未留意那道裂缝。 and upon that
  • 美国语文第五册 第289期:泼冷水的艺术(5) Again, there is the want of sympathy; and that is, perhaps, the ruling cause in most mens minds who have given themselves up to discourage. 或许在大多数放弃自己、甘愿沉沦人的心里,关键原因在于缺乏同情心。 They are not
  • 美国语文第五册 第290期:水手的梦(1) In slumbers of midnight the sailor boy lay; 午夜,少年水手进入睡眠, His hammock swung loose at the sport of the wind; 轻松随意的风,荡起吊床, But watch-worn and weary, his cares flew away, 褪下,白昼紧张的躯壳, A
  • 美国语文第五册 第291期:水手的梦(2) He springs from his hammock,he flies to the deck; 少年从吊床跃起,飞身甲板, Amazement confronts him with images dire; 眼前,惊愕不已的景象, Wild winds and mad waves drive the vessel a wreck; 狂风巨浪,将船体撕裂,
  • 美国语文第五册 第292期:野鸽过客(1) The multitudes of wild pigeons in our woods are astonishing. 最终看来,至少对提议者来说,所有快乐希望已经毫无可能。 Indeed, after having viewed them so often, and under so many circumstances, 我的确经常在不少地方见
  • 美国语文第五册 第293期:野鸽过客(2) Whilst waiting for dinner at Youngs inn, at the confluence of Salt River with the Ohio, 在当地青年旅馆就餐前的闲暇期间,在盐湖与俄亥俄州一处接壤地带, I saw, at my leisure, immense legions still going by, with a front r
  • 美国语文第五册 第294期:野鸽过客(3) During their evolutions, on such occasions, the dense mass which they form exhibits a beautiful appearance, 在变幻多端的队形中,麇集鸽群的靓丽色彩令人击节赞叹。 as it changes its direction, now displaying a glistening sheet
  • 美国语文第五册 第295期:野鸽过客(4) About the middle of the day, after their repast is finished, they settle on the trees to enjoy rest and digest their food. 大约中午,野鸽结束觅食后,它们往往栖息枝杈歇息或消化食物。 As the sun begins to sink beneath the h
  • 美国语文第五册 第296期:野鸽过客(5) As the period of their arrival approached, their foes anxiously prepared to receive them. 当鸽群快要飞临森林上空时,鸟类天敌正焦急地等待捕获它们。 Some were furnished with iron pots containing sulphur, others with torches
  • 美国语文第五册 第297期:野鸽过客(6) Here and there the perches gave way under the weight with a crash, 接连不断的坠落冲力,使得方才落脚来及站稳的鸟们纷纷坠下,压翻甚至撞死下端的同类; and falling to the ground destroyed hundreds of the birds bene
  • 美国语文第五册 第298期:乡村生活 Not what we would, but what we must, makes up the sum of living: 随波逐流,我们习惯坦然,无外乎,生活归纳的深刻, Heaven is both more and less than just, 苍天在上,接受抑或付出, In taking and in giving. 区别在于
  • 美国语文第五册 第299期:弗吉尼亚人(1) Mr. Esmond called his American house Castlewood, from the patrimonial home in the old country. 埃斯蒙德先生将他的美国房产称为卡斯尔伍德庄园,那是坐落于乡间的一处世袭家产。 The whole usages of Virginia, indeed, we
  • 美国语文第五册 第300期:弗吉尼亚人(2) Their hospitality was boundless. No stranger was ever sent away from their gates. 弗吉尼亚州贵族世家的豪爽待客令人称奇,他们不会打发上门的陌生人, The gentry received one another, and traveled to each other's houses, i