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  • 2021双语新闻 天和升空!中国空间站建设迈出关键一步

    Building a space station 天和升空!中国空间站建设迈出关键一步 As the countdown ticked down to zero at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province on April 29, 10 engines at the bottom of a Long March 5B heavy-lift carrier ro...

  • 2021双语新闻 揭秘这段隐秘而又波澜壮阔的红色岁月

    搜索 复制 Undercover intel 揭秘这段隐秘而又波澜壮阔的红色岁月 For the first time, an untold story has been made public. 一段鲜为人知的故事首次公开。 To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communis...

  • 2021双语新闻 别人家的"闲书"更好看,二手书籍受青睐

    搜索 复制 New eyes on old text 别人家的闲书更好看,二手书籍受青睐 Buying second-hand items is becoming more popular these days. 如今,购买二手物品正在变得日益流行。 One million people are selling over 2 million...

  • 2021双语新闻 无奋斗,不青春:中国青年五四奖章获得者群像

    搜索 复制 Giving back to others 无奋斗、不青春:中国青年五四奖章获得者群像 Since 1997, the May 4th Medal has been given to exceptional individuals and groups. 自1997年以来,中国青年五四奖章一直颁发给杰出的个...

  • 2021双语新闻 张艺谋首部谍战片《悬崖之上》致敬英雄

    搜索 复制 Behind enemy lines 张艺谋首部谍战片《悬崖之上》致敬英雄 In his more than 40-year career as a filmmaker, Zhang Yimou has finally turned his eye to the spy genre. 从事电影创作40多年,张艺谋终于将目光投向...

  • 2021双语新闻 《号手就位》热播!导演:揭秘但绝不泄密

    搜索 复制 Inside the military 《号手就位》热播!导演:揭秘但绝不泄密 For the first time, a mysterious military force has been unveiled. 一支神秘兵种的面纱首度揭开。 On April 13, The Glory of Youth was released. 4月...

  • 2021双语新闻 气候变化削减海洋物种多样性

    搜索 复制 A changing planet 气候变化削减海洋物种多样性 Ever since Earth formed roughly 4.5 billion years ago, its climate has gone through a number of incredible changes. 地球形成至今已有约45亿年,在这期间,地球气候...

  • 2021双语新闻 孩子你为什么不开心?

    搜索 复制 Facing struggles 面对斗争 In an interview with Xinhua, Wang Yanan sounded no different than any other energetic freshman in college. 在接受新华社采访时,王雅楠听上去和其他朝气蓬勃的大一学生没什么区别。...

  • 2021双语新闻 石墨烯:改变世界的神奇材料

    搜索 复制 Giving new voices 石墨烯:改变世界的神奇材料 How wonderful would it be if new technology could help the physically challenged? 如果新科技能帮助残疾人士,那该有多好? A smart wearable device that enables p...

  • 2021双语新闻 中国年轻人有多爱国?

    搜索 复制 Pride of a generation 中国年轻人有多爱国? Celebrating Western holidays, following K-pop bands and going abroad to study ... 过洋节,追韩团,出国留学 Many young people are thought to be not as patriotic as their pa...
