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  • 全球生活成本最高的20个城市

    The company published this map showing the cost of living in nearly 500 cities around the world. Red dots indicate expensive cities and green less expensive. 这张显示全球500座城市生活成本的地图,红点表示昂贵,绿色表示便宜。...

  • 新年伊始,用英语迎接崭新生活

    1. start over 从头开始,重新再来 例句: I have messed so many things last year, there is nothing to do now but start over. 我去年搞砸了太多事情,现在干什么也无济于事了,只有重新开始。 例句: you are so talen...

  • 同一屋檐 迥异生活 如何跑赢人生?

    Two girls living next door to each other - a seemingly plain scene that has two very different life stories behind it. 两个女孩比邻而居,这样看似稀松平常的场景背后,却有着两段完全不同的生活境遇。 Chi Zhen, an 18-...

  • 生活小助手:怎样节省洗衣时间(双语)

    在洗衣上。那么怎么才能节省洗衣服的时间呢?下面就给出几个洗衣省时的小窍门。 1 Use a three-bin hamper system. Whether it's one big hamper with three sections or three different hampers lined up, it doesn't matter as...

  • 为了生活 我必须得有一百双鞋

    At even the most conservative estimate, I own about 100 pairs of shoes. I have smart high heels for taking taxi rides in and flat ones for walking in. I have elegant black ankle boots for looking-smart-but-still-being-able-to-walk in, and pointy litt...

  • 生活中最艰难的10件事是什么

    1. What are the 10 hardest things in life? To decide whether to leave or try harder. 决定是离开还是更加努力.生活中最艰难的10件事是什么? title= 生活中最艰难的10件事是什么? 2. Quit a good money job to pursue one...

  • 看看你的生活习惯是健脑还是伤脑

    Certain activities can be good and some bad for our grey matter, so see which you should carry on doing... or ditch. 有些活动可以使我们的大脑更加敏锐,而有些则会使大脑变得更加迟钝。下面让我们来看看哪些生活习...

  • 生活中12个和味蕾有关的词语 你都知道吗?

    小编导读:酸甜苦辣的说的是味道,也是人生百态。味道背后的故事你都知道吗? 1. EAGER 1、热切 The word eager goes back to the French word aigre, meaning sour. In English, it first took on the sense of sharp, biting, o...

  • 从改变生活方式做起 有7成几率可预防癌症

    Americans seem very afraid of cancer, with good reason. Unlike other things that kill us, it often seems to come out of nowhere. 美国人似乎非常惧怕癌症,而且有着充分的理由。跟其他那些杀死我们的东西不一样,癌症仿...

  • 生活小技巧:原来牙膏还可以这么用

    That tube of toothpaste you have sitting by the sink does more than just keep your teeth clean, bright and white. In fact, toothpaste can be applied to a multitude of tasks from polishing mirrors to keeping your sneakers white. 你放在水槽旁边的...
