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  • IMDb选出史上最经典的10句电影台词

    Gone with the Wind (1939) 《乱世佳人》(1939) A manipulative Southern belle carries on a turbulent affair with a blockade runner during the American Civil War. 在美国南北战争期间,一位擅长操纵人心的南方美女与一位越境...

  • 2015年中国电影票房超过440亿元:国产片占主导地位

    China's box office sales hit a record high in 2015, by pulling in 44 billion yuan, or some 6.8 billion US dollars, with domestic films accounting for a large chunk of that growth. 在2015年,中国电影票房销售额创历史新高,超过了440亿...

  • 《哈利•波特》电影的20个真相

    We know you love and review it too! So we share our 20 cool facts about Potteriana right now. 我们知道你很喜爱这个电影,而且也会时不时会看!所以,我们在这里向哈利波特影迷们分享20个剧情幕后的真相。 《哈...

  • 伍迪单口相声精选 第9期:科幻电影The Science Fiction Film

    I wrote a science fiction film which I'll tell you about. 我来给你们讲讲我写的一部科幻电影吧。 It's ten after four in the afternoon, and everybody in the world mysteriously falls asleep. 在某日下午的四点十分,地球上的每...

  • 外媒看中国 这些有才的电影中译名

    原名:Guardians of the Galaxy 中译:银河护卫队 直译:Interplanetary Unusual Attacking Team 原名:American Hustle 中译:美国骗局 直译:United States Cheat Bureau 原名:Up 中译:飞屋环游记 直译:Touring Around o...

  • 电影中常见“非人”单词

    mummy 木乃伊 zombie 僵尸 ghost 鬼 vampire 吸血鬼 werewolf 狼人 monster 怪物 alien 外星人 wizard 男巫师 witch 巫婆 fairy 仙女 elf 精灵 god 男神 goddess 女神 dragon 龙 demon是魔鬼 angel 天使...

  • 大反派回归 第24部007电影明年上映

    A smash-up involving a Fiat 500 may be a common sight for people in Italy's capital city. 在意大利首都看到一辆菲亚特500卷入一场车祸对于市民来说早已习以为常。 But the care-free Italian attitude to driving is now set to...

  • 中国电影将进军科幻题材

    China's science-fiction fans could soon turn their attention home, as the mainland's film industry is gearing up to make a big push into the genre. Yang Peng, planning supervisor for Beijing Galloping Horse Film TV Productions, says that many studios...

  • 《后会无期》这种“公路电影”英文怎么说?

    我们来看一段相关的英文报道 The film The Continent, directed by Chinese professional rally driver and best-selling author Han Han, is set to be released in China today. 由中国职业赛车手兼畅销书作者韩寒执导的电影《后会...

  • 经济学人129:独立电影的复兴

    Business The revival of independent film Scripts, not effects 商业 独立电影的复兴 剧本是关键,资金不成问题 Independent films are at last recovering from the slump 最终,独立电影在走出低谷 THE Toronto film festival, which...
