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  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 340坚持住 夏洛克

    That was shock. You're going to feel the pain. 那就是休克 你会感到疼痛 There's a hole ripped through you. 你身上被钻开了个洞 Massive internal bleeding. 严重内出血 You have to control the pain. 你必须控制疼痛 Control. C...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 339别休克

    If the bullet had passed through you, what would you have heard? 如果子弹真射穿了你 你会听到什么? The mirror shattering. 镜子碎裂 You didn't. Therefore...? 你没听到 因此...? The bullet's still inside me. 子弹还在我体内...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 338重点不在枪上

    It's not like it is in the movies. 这和电影里不一样 There's not a great big spurt of blood and you go flying backwards. 不会有血喷溅而出 而你朝后飞去 The impact isn't spread over a wide area. 子弹冲击不会牵连一片 It's...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 337别开枪

    Wh...What would your husband think? 你丈夫要知道了会怎么想? Your lovely husband, upright and honourable, 你那可爱的丈夫 正直 可敬 so English. What would he say to you now? 英国绅士 他会对现在的你怎么说? No, no! No!...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 336她昏过去了

    So, where did she go? 她人呢? That's a bit rude. I just proposed to her. 没礼貌啊 我刚跟她求了婚 Sherlock. 夏洛克 Did she faint? 她昏过去了? Do they really do that?! 女人真都这么夸张? It's a blow to the head. 被人敲了头...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 335那是简妮

    Here we go then. 开始啦 You realise you don't exactly look like Magnussen? 你知道你和玛格努森不像吧? Which in this case is a considerable advantage. 就目前情况而言 反而是优势 Sherlock, you complete loon. 夏洛克 你这个冤...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 334叫不来电梯

    Do we really need so much colour? 非要这么生动吗? It passes the time. 打发时间嘛 But if I do this... 但如果我这样... If you press a keycard against your mobile phone for long enough, 把门禁卡在手机上多按一会 it corrupts...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 333会被保安抓走

    Don't bring a gun. Why would I bring a gun? 别带枪 我带枪干嘛? Or a knife or a tyre lever. Probably best not to do any arm-spraining, 也别带刀子 撬棒 能不动手最好 but we'll see how the night goes. 但这也说不准 Are you just...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 332等我短信指示

    Lady Elizabeth Smallwood... 伊利莎白斯茅伍德夫人 I like her. 我喜欢她 Mr Magnussen, 玛格努森先生 am I acceptable to you as an intermediary? 我作为中间人你能接受吗? She's English with a spine. 她是有骨气的英国人...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 331玛格努森先生

    Mr Magnussen, I have been asked to intercede with you 玛格努森先生 伊丽莎白斯莫伍德夫人 by Lady Elizabeth Smallwood 请我来调解你们 on the matter of her husband's letters. 关于她丈夫信件的纠纷 Some time ago you put pre...
