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  • 纽约时报 新冠疫情威胁全球贸易(4)

    If you run out of widgets that are essential to production processes and all those widgets come from China, 如果于你的生产不可或缺的部件已经快要耗尽,而那些部件又来自中国的话, then it may well be that your productio...

  • 纽约时报 新冠疫情威胁全球贸易(3)

    Similar worries accompanied the outbreak of SARS in 2002 and 2003, 2002-2003年非典(SARS)爆发时人们便曾有过类似的担忧, when the virus emerged in the southern province of Guangdong 当时,病毒最先出现在了中国南部的广...

  • 纽约时报 新冠疫情威胁全球贸易(2)

    The outbreak of the virus in Wuhan, a city that is home to 11 million people, 此次新冠疫情爆发于武汉一座有着1100万人口的城市, prompted the Chinese government to effectively quarantine the metropolis and much of surrounding Hube...

  • 纽约时报 新冠疫情威胁全球贸易(1)

    Trade Networks Face New Menace In a Coronavirus. 新冠疫情威胁全球贸易 By Peter S. Goodman 文/皮特S.古德曼 In 2002, when a lethal, pneumonialike virus known as SARS emerged in China, 2002年一种名为SARS,症状类似肺炎的致命病...

  • 纽约时报 伊朗承认击落乌克兰客机(4)

    The Iranians reversed themselves early Saturday. 周六早些时候,伊朗的立场出现了一百八十度的大反转。 The newly critical language by Ukrainian officials in the aftermath of Irans admission stood in sharp contrast to more cautio...

  • 纽约时报 伊朗承认击落乌克兰客机(3)

    Mehdi Karroubi, a leader of the opposition Green Movement who has been under house arrest since 2011, 迈赫迪卡鲁比,自2011年以来一直被软禁的反对派绿色运动领导人, issued a statement telling Mr. Khamenei that he no longer h...

  • 纽约时报 伊朗承认击落乌克兰客机(2)

    The Ukrainians further accused Iran of recklessly permitting commercial flights during a security emergency 接着,乌克兰方面又指责伊朗不计后果允许商业航班冒着安全紧急风险飞行, and of violating universally accepted p...

  • 纽约时报 伊朗承认击落乌克兰客机(1)

    Irans Admission It Shot Down Jet Meets With Fury 伊朗承认击落乌克兰客机 引发民愤 By Anton Troianovski, Andrew E. Kramer and Farnaz Fassihi 文/安东托伊安诺夫斯基,安德鲁克莱默,法纳兹法西里 KYIV, Ukraine Irans st...

  • 纽约时报 伊朗宣布中止履行伊核协议 对峙持续僵化(5)

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo complained that the response by European allies had not been helpful. 美国国务卿迈克蓬佩奥抱怨称,欧洲盟友的反应根本无济于事。 He told Fox News in an interview: 他在接受福克斯新闻采访...

  • 纽约时报 伊朗宣布中止履行伊核协议 对峙持续僵化(4)

    The attack on the Iranian general left Americas European allies scrambling to address the safety of their troops in the Middle East 美军袭击伊朗将军后,美国的欧洲盟友纷纷开始着手自己的中东军队的安全问题, and compl...
