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  • 美国现行20条蠢哭的法律!

    简直无法相信,在美国,有20条愚蠢的法律仍然有效,来看看美国的这20条愚蠢法律吧: Alabama: Bear wrestling matches are prohibited. 阿拉巴马州:禁止黑熊摔跤比赛。 Alaska: In Juneau, Flamingo owners are p...

  • 美国陷入中年离婚高潮

    America is in the throes of a grey divorce revolution as marriedcouples over the age of 50 split up in unprecedented numbers. 随着50岁以上夫妻分道扬镳的数量空前增多,美国正处于灰发离婚变革的阵痛中。 Although the ove...

  • 美国学生的困扰:数学、阅读呈下降趋势!

    Bad news for America's schools: Student achievement in math and reading is on the decline, according to National Assessment of Education Progress scores released Wednesday. 美国学校的坏消息:据周三全美教育进展评估成绩的发布,美...

  • 美国20元纸币将印上黑人女性头像

    An American teenager has sparked a war of words after her tweets about weird British customs went viral. 一位美国青少年在推特上发贴列举怪异的英国习俗,被大肆转发,点燃了一场网络口水大战。 High school student M...

  • 美国文化:美国人生娃成本有多高?

    The average doctor charges for a vaginal delivery with nocomplications in the U.S. is $3,035, according to data from FAIRHealth, a health care nonprofit that keeps a national database ofinsurance claims. That includes the cost of routine care beforea...

  • 在美国买枪比买狗还容易

    (CNN)The way our laws are written, guns are easy to get in this land of the free。 (CNN)根据我们的立法,在这片自由的土地上,买枪比买狗容易。 Buying from a gun store? Background checks and waiting periods might slow you do...

  • 美国仍是世界最大武器输出国

    The United States continues to hold the title of the worlds top weapons exporter, supplying almost $23 billion worth of weapons to other countries last year particularly in the Middle East according to a new report by IHS Jane's. 简氏防务周刊发表...

  • 美国被指破坏世贸组织公正性

    The US has been accused of being a bully and undermining the World Trade Organisations dispute system after vetoing the reappointment of a South Korean judge. The EU and legal scholars have warned that the veto threatens the impartiality of the globa...

  • 美国对伊斯兰国的网络战取得进展

    For months now, U.S. government hackers have been setting their sights on the Islamic State terror group, intent on wiping the self-declared caliphate from cyberspace much like U.S. and coalition aircraft have sought to wipe it from the face of the e...

  • 美国大学创举 设学生打盹区

    Students will now be able to snooze between classes, as the ASUC has just opened several designated napping areas across campus. 加州大学柏克莱分校学生会,近日在校园里开设了几个特定的休息区,供学生们在课间小睡。...
