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 《国家地理频道:二战启示录( Apocalypse:The Second World War)》是2009年由法国制作的详细讲述第二次世界大战始末的纪录片。这部纪录片以欧美的观点详尽地介绍和讲述第二次世界大战,提到纳粹德国败阵被苏联军队追击时明显站在纳粹那方,并配有许多珍贵的影像资料,让观众深入地了解第二次世界大战这段历史。本栏目可以帮助英语学习爱好者提高英语听力水平,增加英语词汇的积累,同时也能学到更多的英语历史文化知识,是提高英语文化素养的好材料。

  • 二战启示录 第61期:美国盟友(8) The German's submariners approach north America德军潜艇在它的黄金时代来到了美国人的应许之地 Through their periscopes they film the bright light of New York透过他们的潜望镜他们拍下了纽约的明亮灯火 We have info
  • 二战启示录 第62期:美国盟友(9) Roosevelt sets production targets at a hundred and twenty-five thousand airplanes罗斯福定下生产目标,包括12万5千架飞机 seventy-five thousand tanks and ten million tons of ships. 7万5千辆坦克车以及1千万吨的船舰 This is t
  • 二战启示录 第63期:美国盟友(10) In the morning Ford films the first Japanese attack which devastated the American base. 福特在清晨拍到日本第一波攻击摧毁了美国的基地The Japanese bomb explodes, are too close to the film makers seriously wounding Ford一枚日军炸
  • 二战启示录 第64期:美国盟友(11) The American has lost an aircraft carrier but Japanese has lost 4. 美国损失了一艘航空母舰,但日军损失了4艘 This is the first Japanese defeat and it boosts the Ally's morale. 这是日军的首次挫败,对同盟国的士气是一大
  • 二战启示录 第65期:美国盟友(12) After that the marines are able to capture the airfield之后陆军战队攻占了机场 they secure it and enlarge the runway for the first plane's of airborne marines called Black Sheep Squadron建立防护后扩大其跑道以便首批空降陆战队
  • 二战启示录 第66期:美国盟友(13) Into this cog mire Hitler throws everything he has some ten million men 希特勒几乎倾其所有全都投入这场泥沼中,也就是将近1千万的人力 He estimates however he still needs 8 hundred thousand more for this decisive campaign 然而
  • 二战启示录 第67期:美国盟友(14) In August 1942, Churchill and Harriman, Roosevelt's ambassador flight to Moscow to meet with Stalin 1942年8月,丘吉尔以及罗斯福派遣的大使哈里曼飞往莫斯科与斯大林会面 who is demanding that the second front be open in the
  • 二战启示录 第68期:美国盟友(15) After 4 weeks of dogged fighting 经历4周的顽强战斗 The German finally get to the top of the only high point in the city 德军终于登上这城市的唯一高地 Mamayev Hill 马马耶夫岗 From there they can control all of Stalingrad 从这
  • 二战启示录 第69期:盟军反攻 By the end of October 1942, the city on Volga still has not fallen. 1942年10月底,伏尔加河上的城市仍未被攻陷 The Fuhrer anounces to the German people 希特勒对德国人民宣布 We have taken Stalingrad 我们已攻下斯大林格勒
  • 二战启示录 第70期:盟军反攻(2) On the 7th November the anniversary of the revolution 11月7日,革命纪念日 the beleagued soldiers holding Stalingrad and the Soviet troops all along the front 守着斯大林格勒的被困士兵和前线的苏军 listen to their Commander Chi
  • 二战启示录 第71期:盟军反攻(3) The British Prime Minister Winston Churchill comes into his army in the desert 英国首相丘吉尔亲临沙漠,鼓励他的军队 The situation is grim but he retains his sense of humor 处境维艰,但他保持幽默感 and shares cheer of mom
  • 二战启示录 第72期:盟军反攻(4) Back in his headquarters the Wolf's Lair, Hitler's scornful 回到总部狼穴,希特勒嘲笑对方 He says It is just a set back 他说这只是一个挫败 The war will go on and indeed it does. 战争将持续下去。确实如此 The Allies op
  • 二战启示录 第73期:盟军反攻(5) The Axis powers have anticipated the Allies by moving into Tunisia 轴心国抢在盟军之前进入突尼西亚 a territory still controled by the Vichy regime 该国仍受维西政府控制 which allows the Germans to stay 德军因此得以留下
  • 二战启示录 第74期:盟军反攻(6) Three thousand kilometers away out of Stalingrad 3千公里外,在斯大林格勒城外 the Germans have been enjoy a brief restbite behind the lines 德军在大后方稍事喘息 before returning to fight the Russians in order to eliminate their
  • 二战启示录 第75期:盟军反攻(7) Paulus could still break out of the circlement but he would have to obey orders 保卢斯仍可能突围但他得听命行事 For when Hitler arrives the Wolf's Lair he sends in this message Stand firm 因为希特勒抵达狼穴时寄给他这个讯息