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  • 经济学人:巴西政治丑闻:特梅尔生气了(2) Congressmen seem to have decided that two things are needed to give them a chance of re-election in 2018: 国会议员似乎已经决定,有两件事需要给他们2018年重新竞选的机会: an economic revival and a containment of the vast co
  • 经济学人:英国渔业之争:做鱼开吃(1) Britain 英国 Fish Wars: Have your fish cake and eat it 渔业之争:做鱼开吃 A silly spat about seafood shows the sort of compromises that Brexit will force 一场关于海产品的愚蠢争论暴露了英国脱欧面临的问题。 Britain's
  • 经济学人:英国渔业之争:做鱼开吃(2) In any case, Britain will find that, unless it is willing to continue sharing access to its waters, it will lose access to valuable foreign markets. 英国将会发现,无论如何它都会失去珍贵的国外市场,除非它愿意分享它的水域
  • 经济学人:爱尔兰跨境贸易:更贵的一品脱(1) Britain 英国 Cross-border trade in Ireland: A pricier pint 爱尔兰跨境贸易:更贵的一品脱 Guinness is one of many businesses that could be hit by a harder boarder. 有很多行业可能会受到强硬边境管控的影响,吉尼斯黑啤
  • 经济学人:"女巫审判":当喧嚣归于沉寂(1) Asia 亚洲 Sorcery in Papua New Guinea: When the hurlyburly's done 巴布亚新几内亚的巫术:当喧嚣归于沉寂 The gruesome consequences of accusations of witches craft. 被指控女巫后的恐怖命运。 It Began, as it usually does, w
  • 经济学人:爱尔兰跨境贸易:更贵的一品脱(2) The UK exports more food to Ireland than to Canada, China, Japan, Russia, Saudi Arabia and South Korea combined. 英国出口到爱尔兰的食品比出口到加拿大、中国、日本、俄罗斯、沙特阿拉伯和韩国加起来的还要多。 T
  • 经济学人:"女巫审判":当喧嚣归于沉寂(2) Sometimes accusers come from within the family: Eriko Fufurefa, who runs the KAFE Women's Association, a feminist group in Eastern Highlands, 有时指控者来自家族内部有时指控者就是家里人:KAFE妇女协会是东部高地的一个女性
  • 经济学人:韩国的不公平:精英教育(1) Asia 亚洲 Inequality in South Korea: Degrees of disenchantment 韩国的不公平:觉醒的程度 Young people are losing faith in an elitist education system. 韩国青年对精英教育失去信心。 If you don't have the ability then blame yo
  • 经济学人:韩国的不公平:精英教育(2) The unfairness is all the more galling because of the fierce competition for jobs. 在激烈的就业竞争中的不公平现象更加令人痛心疾首。 This year there were 36 applicants for every job, up from 32 two years ago. 今年每份工作有
  • 经济学人:挽救查理:一场国家权力界限的斗争(1) Britain 英国 Charlie Gard: Peace at last 查理加德:终于平静 A fraught case over the care of a desperately ill baby comes to a close. 关注一个绝症患儿的令人头疼案子结束了。 After five months of agonising court battles, on
  • 经济学人:挽救查理:一场国家权力界限的斗争(2) The pope and Donald Trump voiced their support; Congress granted the baby residence in America. 教皇以及唐纳德特朗普表示支持;国会授予孩子居住在美国的绿卡。 The ruling, however, stopped these offers being taken up. 然而,
  • 经济学人:挽救查理:一场国家权力界限的斗争(3) In Britain adults have the right to consent to experimental therapies with little chance of success, just as they may refuse treatment. 在英国,成年人有权接受成功可能性小的实验治疗,就像他们有权拒绝接受治疗一样。
  • 经济学人:女性权利 游行抗议(1) United States 美国 Women's Rights: March nemesis 女性权利:游行抗议 Donald Trump may unwittingly be a revitalising force for American feminism. 唐纳德特朗普可能在不经意间让美国女权主义更加强盛 Of all the things utte
  • 经济学人:女性权利 游行抗议(2) Others claimed that it too closely resembled the 1963 March on Washington led by Martin Luther King Jr. 其他人认为其名称与1963年由马丁路德金教授领导的华盛顿游行极其相似。 The events Facebook page is rife with comments a
  • 经济学人:青年与民主:早投票 多选举(1) Leaders 领导力 Youth and Democracy: Vote early, Vote often 青年与民主:早投票,多选举 Why the voting age should be lowered to 16? 为什么选举年龄应该降低至16岁? How young is too young? 到底几岁才算太年轻? Rich