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  • 世界小史 第122期:撤离埃及

    Before he left Egypt to continue his campaign, he founded a new city by the sea and named it after himself: Alexandria. 在他撤离埃及继续作战之前,他在海边建立了一座城市并按他自己的名字命名:亚历山大。 It is sti...

  • 世界小史 第121期:波斯人

    The Persians tried to block his way near a town called Issus, but Alexander crushed them. 波斯人试图在一座名叫伊苏斯的城市附近阻挡他的道路,但亚历山大击溃了他们。 He plundered the magnificent royal tents and made o...

  • 世界小史 第120期:戈尔迪乌姆城

    It went like this. 故事是这样的。 In the city of Gordium there was a temple, and in it an old chariot whose shaft was held fast by a strap that was tightly and intricately knotted. 在戈尔迪乌姆城的一座神庙里有一辆旧马车,辕杆...

  • 世界小史 第119期:马其顿人

    A king like this was soon as popular with the Greek soldiers as he was with the Macedonians. 军队里的希腊人不久便和马其顿人一样喜爱这样一位国王。 They were more than willing to fight for him. 他们乐意为他而战斗。 S...

  • 世界小史 第118期:科林斯市广场

    So he had given away everything he owned and now sat, almost naked, in a barrel in the market square in Corinth where he lived,所以他散尽了全部家产,几乎赤身裸体地坐在科林斯市广场上的一只桶里。他居住在那里,as...

  • 世界小史 第117期:布克法罗斯

    His father once bought a beautiful stallion that no one could tame. 有一次他父亲买了一匹特别漂亮的公马,谁也驯服不了这匹马,His name was Bucephalus. Whenever anyone tried to mount him they were thrown off. 这匹马叫布克...

  • 世界小史 第116期:全部知识

    What Aristotle said must be right. 亚里士多德说的话,必定都是真知灼见。 For what he had done was to gather together all the knowledge of his time. 因为他所做的是搜集了在他那个时代所能知道的全部知识。 He wro...

  • 世界小史 第115期:以儆效尤

    Now his father had left him everything. 如今他的父亲把一切都留给了他。 A Greek city that tried to free itself was razed, and its inhabitants sold into slavery as a warning to all. 一座希腊城市想获得解放,它会被夷为平地...

  • 世界小史 第114期:华丽的宫殿

    They used it to build themselves magnificent palaces and held court in great style. 他们用这些钱建造华丽的宫殿,君臣上朝议事时非常气派。 They ate off golden dishes and even their slaves both male and female were dressed in s...

  • 世界小史 第113期:菲利普王

    This was the famous orator Demosthenes, whose fulminating speeches at the Assembly,这就是著名的雄辩家德摩斯梯尼,他在公民大会上发表呵斥的演说,in which he repeatedly warned people against King Philip's schemes, are known...
