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  • 欧美文化博览 文化博览:犹太人的故事(5)

    Freud's theory was outrageous. 弗洛伊德的理论太离谱了。 The ancient Israelites had rebelled against Moses and murdered him. 古代以色列人曾经背叛摩西并且将他杀害。 But then, consumed by guilt and remorse, had adopted the...

  • 欧美文化博览 文化博览:犹太人的故事(4)

    And at the heart of the celebration is the liberation of the ancient Israelites from slavery in Egypt,the story of stories, replayed around the Seder table with the help of the Seder plate and its symbolic foods, and a ritual book called the Haggadah...

  • 欧美文化博览 文化博览:犹太人的故事(3)

    An ancient Hanukkah lamp, a commemoration of the temple light, that tradition said kept burning. 一盏古旧的光明节灯,纪念着光明,它的传统是一直燃烧。 It mattered supremely to Freud, 这对弗洛伊德而言意味良多, this lit...

  • 欧美文化博览 文化博览:犹太人的故事(2)

    In the summer of 1938, an eminent, elderly Jew recently arrived in London from Vienna was interviewed by the BBC. 在1938年的夏天,一位自维也纳远道而来杰出的,年长的犹太人最近抵达伦敦接受了BBC的采访。 I discovered so...

  • 欧美文化博览 文化博览:犹太人的故事(1)

    This is a Jew. 这是个犹太人。 And so is this. 这位也是。 This is a Jew, and this, and this. And so am I. 这是犹太人,还有这位,这位。我也是。 So, what, if anything we have in common? 那么,我们有什么共同之处? Not...

  • 欧美文化博览 亨利七世:冬日国王(6)

    Henry VII's funeral cortege processed through London streets, 亨利七世的葬礼队伍缓慢地穿越伦敦的街道, his effigy displayed on a carriage drawn by five horses draped in black velvet, 他的肖像被摆放在由五匹披着黑色天鹅...

  • 欧美文化博览 亨利七世:冬日国王(5)

    With the discovery of the Stanley plot, the privy chamber went into locked out. 随着斯坦利阴谋的发现,这个小房间成了外人永远不能踏足之地。 Previously, its working was transparent, but with the new security overhaul, only th...

  • 欧美文化博览 亨利七世:冬日国王(4)

    Henry and Elizabeth were lucky. 亨利和伊丽莎白是幸运的。 They would have more children, including another son. 他们会有更多的孩子,包括另一个儿子。 Henry was building a myth that he and his family were the true and rightfu...

  • 欧美文化博览 亨利七世:冬日国王(3)

    For England to believe that Henry was the rightful king, 为了让英格兰相信亨利是合法的国王, he would need to behave like one, and that is exactly what he did. 他需要让自己像个国王的样子,而这正是他着手做的事情。...

  • 欧美文化博览 亨利七世:冬日国王(2)

    Who created one of the strangest regime in history,magnificent, repressive and terrifying. 他创造了历史上最奇特的一个政权,华丽,专制及恐怖。 This is the story of Henry the 7th. 这是亨利七世的故事。 The first Tutor. 第一...
