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  • 生活大爆炸第二季第二十一集_1

    -Howard:Okay. Are you from the Star Wars universe? universe:宇宙 好吧,你是来自星战吗? -Leonard:Yes. 是的。 -Howard:Were you in the original trilogy? original:原版的,原作的 trilogy:三部曲 你是星战原三部曲...

  • 生活大爆炸第二季第二十集_3

    -Rajesh: Fine. I'll have a chocolate martini. chocolate: 巧克力 martini: 马提尼 行那我要巧克力马提尼 -Howard: Wrong again! 又错了! -Rajesh: Come on, you know I can't talk to women unless I'm lit up like the Hindu festival of Devali...

  • 生活大爆炸第二季第二十集_2

    Stuart: Oh, hey, Lnard. Can I help you find something? 嘿 Leonard 用不用我帮你? -Leonard: Oh, he Stuart. This is Penny. She's just looking for some comic books. comic: 漫画 嘿 Stuart 这是Penny 她想买漫画 -Howard: Oh, really, wow. Bli...

  • 生活大爆炸第二季第二十集_1

    [scene: in Leonards house, the four guys is eating their lunch.] -Leonard: Problem? 怎么了? -Sheldon: This is Thai food. 这是泰国菜 -Howard: Here we go. 又来了 -Sheldon: We don't have Thai food on Thursday. We have pizza on Thursday. Thai:...

  • 生活大爆炸第二季第十九集_3

    [scene: in Alicia s house,they have the dinner] -Leonard: Gee,Penny,thanks for buying us dinner. 哇 Penny 谢谢你给我们买晚餐 -Howard: Yeah,what's the occasion? occasion: 理由 是啊有何事相求? -Penny: No,no occasion-- just felt like,...

  • 生活大爆炸第二季第十九集_2

    -Leonard: I'm helping. 我在帮忙 -Penny: I can see. 看见了 -Sheldon: Alicia's non-musical, childless and pro-rug. musical: 音乐的 childless: 无子女的 rug: 小地毯 pro: 赞成 Alicia不玩音乐不生孩子赞成小地毯 She's still on...

  • 生活大爆炸第二季第十九集_1

    [scene: the four guys and Penny eat lunch in Leonards house] -Penny: Okay,it's done. 好搞定了 Look,guys, for the future,I don't, mind killing the big spiders, guy: 家伙 spider: 蜘蛛侠 听着男同胞们 我不介意以后替你们干掉大蜘蛛...

  • 生活大爆炸第二季第十八集_3

    -Sheldon: Let me put it this way. 这么说吧 Your gross receipts on this one order, will be over $3,000 for one night's work. gross receipt: 总收入 gross: 总额 receipt: 收入 order: 订单 你这一夜收入总额可以超过3000美金 -Penny...

  • 生活大爆炸第二季第十八集_2

    -Sheldon: The moving assembly line,that was, introduced by Henry Ford in 1908. moving assembly line: 流动装配线 moving: 活动的 assembly: 装配 introduce: 引进 流动装配线是由亨利福特在1908年引进的 -Sheldon: That innovation i...

  • 生活大爆炸第二季第十八集_1

    [scene: the four guys play the chess invented by themselves] chess: 国际象棋 invent: 发明 -Rajesh: Knight to queen's bishop-five. Knight: 骑士【国际象棋棋子】 Queen: 女皇【国际象棋棋子】 bishop: 主教【国际象棋棋子,这...
