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  • 神探夏洛克第三季第一集13

    神探夏洛克第三季第一集_13 What?! 什么? Please, John, forgive me, 求你了 约翰 原谅我 for all the hurt that I caused you. 原谅我带给你的所有伤害 No, no, no, no, no, no, this is a trick. No. 不不不 这又是圈套 不是...

  • 神探夏洛克第三季第一集12

    神探夏洛克第三季第一集_12 'Apply enough pressure and it momentarily cuts off the pulse.' 用适当的压力暂停脉搏 Let me come through, please! 求你了 让我过去 It's all right... No, he's my friend. 没事 他是我朋友 It's a...

  • 神探夏洛克第三季第一集11

    神探夏洛克第三季第一集_11 Ha! 哈 Look at that. 你瞧 John... 约翰 Demolition charges. 爆破装置 It's empty. There's nothing. 是空的 什么也没有 Isn't there? 真没有? This is the bomb. 这就是炸弹 What? 什么? It's not...

  • 神探夏洛克第三季第一集10

    神探夏洛克第三季第一集_10 What are you on about? 你在说什么? Mycroft's intelligence is not nebulous at all, 麦克罗夫特的特工没有故布疑阵 it's specific, incredibly specific. 说得很清楚 一清二楚 What do you mean? 你...

  • 神探夏洛克第三季第一集09

    神探夏洛克第三季第一集_09 Help! 救命! 小小缓刑 还有两分钟 He doesn't like it, Daddy. Huh? 小圣雅各教堂 他不想被烧 爸爸 什么? 三分钟抵达 一分钟抵达 Guy Fawkes, he doesn't like it. 盖伊福克斯 他不想被...

  • 神探夏洛克第三季第一集08

    神探夏洛克第三季第一集_08 The journey between those stations usually takes five minutes 两站间通常要五分钟 and that one took ten. 这一趟花了十分钟 Ten minutes to get from Westminster to St James's Park. 十分钟从西敏寺...

  • 神探夏洛克第三季第一集07

    神探夏洛克第三季第一集_07 This going to be your new arrangement, is it? 以后这就是你搭档了? Just giving it a go. 好歹给个机会 Right. 好吧 So, John? 那约翰呢? Not really in the picture any more. 怕是不会再来了 Tr...

  • 神探夏洛克第三季第一集06

    神探夏洛克第三季第一集_06 Mr Summerson. 下一个是萨默森先生 Right. Undescended testicle. 好 隐睾症 Right. 好 Sherlock? Hmm? 夏洛克? 嗯? Talk to John. 再跟约翰说说 I've tried talking to him. He made his position quite...

  • 神探夏洛克第三季第一集05

    神探夏洛克第三季第一集_05 All very interesting, Sherlock, 贝克街 都很有意思 夏洛克 but the terror alert has been raised to critical. 但恐怖袭击预警等级已达到危急 Boring. Your move. 无聊 该你了 We have solid in...

  • 神探夏洛克第三季第一集04

    神探夏洛克第三季第一集_04 Those things will kill you. 烟抽多了会死人的 Oh, you bastard! 你这混蛋 It's time to come back. 是时候回来了 You've been letting things slide, Graham. 你可日渐发福啊 格兰姆 Greg. Greg. 是...
