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  • 《童话镇》第137期:疯狂

    Snow White. 白雪公主 Who does he think you are? 他认为你是哪个童话人物呢 I'm not in the book. 我不在那本书里 Can I ask you a favor? 能请你帮个忙吗 Regina mentioned the kid's in therapy. 瑞金娜提到过 这个孩子正在...

  • 《童话镇》第136期:眼镜蛇

    Cobra? That has nothing to do with fairy tales. 眼镜蛇 那可和童话故事没有太大关系 Exactly. It's a code name 正是 这只是个代号 to throw the Queen off the trail. 打乱巫后原来的计划 So everyone here is a fairy tale chara...

  • 《童话镇》第135期:调情

    The Mirror strikes again. 《镜报》又来了 You're late. 你迟到了 Sorry. I wanted to bring you the latest edition. 对不起 我去拿稿子的最新版了 I assure you it's one of my better hatched jobs. 我保证这篇报道写得更出色...

  • 《童话镇》第134期:释放怒火

    To put an end to our misery. 就是为了结束我们的悲惨生活 Today we claim victory and move to a new better realm. 今天我们宣告胜利,前往一个新的国度 a place where we can finally win. 在那里我们会成为最后的赢家...

  • 《童话镇》第133期:代价

    You must know that not even its unholy power can bring your loved one back from the dead. 你得明白 就算是暗黑咒的强大力量也无法让你的爱人起死回生 Have you considered a pet? 你想养个宠物吗 They can be quite comforting...

  • 《童话镇》第132期:暗黑咒

    Don't underestimate me Ms. Swan. 别低估我 斯旺女士 You have no idea what I'm capable of. 你根本不知道我能做出什么来 I shall destroy your happiness... 我会倾尽一生... if it is the last thing I do. 摧毁你们的幸福 Would...

  • 《童话镇》第131期:旧书

    The missing pages where are they? 被撕掉的那几页在哪里 It's an old book. Stuff's missing. 这是本旧书 难免缺页 What do you care? 干嘛这么大反应 I care because you think I'm some Evil Queen. 因为你觉得我像巫后 And tha...

  • 《童话镇》第130期:录像带

    Thanks to you. That tape you found 多亏了你 你发现的录音带... that was a stroke of genius. 是个神来之笔 So we went back and looked at past tapes. 我们回去查了一下以往的录像带 Turns out Mr. Doe's been talking in his slee...

  • 《童话镇》第129期:找寻

    He's okay? 他没事吧 Physically he's on the mend. 他的生命体征在恢复 Um his memory is another issue. 但记忆是另一个问题 It may take time if at all. 需要一些时间来恢复 What brought him back? 他怎么会醒来呢 That's t...

  • 《童话镇》第128期:对不起

    I almost believe that. 我都快信以为真了 Well good bye Snow White. 再见了 白雪公主 Good bye Prince Charming. 再见了 白马王子 I told you it's James. 都告诉你了 叫詹姆斯 Nah. Still like Charming Better. 不 还是王子好听...
