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  • 《逗鸟外传》精讲 50郁金香回家

    You Okay? 你还好吧? Of course. I'm fine. 当然了我好的很呢。 Oh, this does not feel good. 哦,这感觉好差呀 Is every delivery gonna be like this? 是不是每次都会这样呢? What can I say? It's a terrible business. 我还能...

  • 《逗鸟外传》精讲 49内特的妹妹

    That's great. This is great. But we don't have any pods. 那你很棒呀!但是我们没有容纳宝宝的东西啊 Wait! Everyone, stop. Would you stop? 等等,各位,停一下,你们可以停一下么? What about these? Yes! 这些怎么样...

  • 《逗鸟外传》精讲 48朱尼尔的演讲

    Whoo! You did it! 啊!你做到了! I can hear my bones. 我都可以听到我骨头在响的声音 Yeah, we should land because this hurts so much. 耶,我们可以着落了。这简直很疼呢 We did it! We did it! We're a family! 我们做到...

  • 《逗鸟外传》精讲 47老板陷入困境

    What the heck? 咋个回事 Told you babies were smart. 都告诉你了宝宝很聪明的 Babies are dumb. Babies are superduper dumb. 宝宝很笨的,宝宝们简直笨死了 No, no, no. No, no. Wait, no. 不,不,不!不,不要啊,等等...

  • 《逗鸟外传》精讲 46百万宝宝

    Oh, no! 哦,不! Let's go! Come on! 我们走!快! Go. go, go! Grab it! 快,抓住他 Over here. I got this one. Catch it! 这里,我抓住这个了。抓住他! Got it! Whoo! 搞定,哈哈! Out of my way! Out of my way! 起开!起开...

  • 《逗鸟外传》精讲 45朱尼尔与郁金香被发现

    My pants fell down. Oh, no! 我裤子掉了,哦不! Where are we going? I don't know! 我们要去那儿?我不知道啊! Oh, okay. Not that way. 哦,好吧,这条路行不通的。 Not that way either. 这里也不行 Hey, guys. 嘿,小家...

  • 《逗鸟外传》精讲 44朱尼尔与郁金香争夺宝宝

    Put down that baby! 放下那个宝宝 Growth analytics suggest increased bandwidth enabling us to silo creative core components. 增长分析显示带宽增加让我们更容易的控制核心控件 I got your text. Sorry, but we could only find one...

  • 《逗鸟外传》精讲 43白鹤展

    Wait a minute. Junior, what is going on? 等等,朱尼尔,发生什么了? What the heck is this? 这到底是什么啊 This is Storkcon. 这是白鹤群 Once a year, storks come together for one thing. 每一年,白鹤都会为一件事情齐聚...

  • 《逗鸟外传》精讲 42内特得不到弟弟

    The policeman's right, Nate. 内特,警察说的是对的 They don't deliver babies. Not anymore. 他们不会再运送小孩了,永远不会了 Then why did we do all this stuff? 那为什么我们还要做这些 Because we were having such fun...

  • 《逗鸟外传》精讲 41朱尼尔被抓

    I thought it was a gentrifying neighborhood. 我以为只是在修建中的一个街区 Didn't expect to see you here, brah! 没想到能在这里看见你啊,大兄弟 Oh, yes, I did. I set it up. 哦,我早就想到了,这就是我的杰作 S...
