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  • 《马达加斯加2》精讲 23我不是称职的朋友

    Marty? I know you're there! 马蒂 我知道你在这儿 Before I go,I've got something want to say. 在走之前 我有话对你说 You've been a great friend. 你是个很好的朋友 You help me so often to see the bright side of my problems. 总让...

  • 《马达加斯加2》精讲 22活着离开

    The water, it's gone. 水没有了 Oh no. The watering hole has never gone dry before. 哦 不 水塘从没干过 We're gonna need a lot more dying holes. How could this happen? 我们需要很多等死洞了 怎么会这样? Out of my way. What is g...

  • 《马达加斯加2》精讲 21最动听的笑声

    Gloria! 格洛丽娅?! Gloria? Melman? 格洛丽娅? 梅尔曼? I want you to meet with Moto Moto. 这位是摩托摩托 Ah, Moto Moto. Yeah. Nice to, nice to meet you. 摩托摩托 很高兴 很高兴见到你 Well, I guess, I... 我 其实 It's OK....

  • 《马达加斯加2》精讲 20花花公子

    Well...There is this one thing. 嗯 确实有件事 What is it? Tell me. 什么事? 告诉我 Well. No, I couldn't. 呃 不行 I mean. What is it? 是什么 You know, I just never really have the guts to tell Gloria, 我从来都鼓不起勇气告诉格...

  • 《马达加斯加2》精讲 19侵占地盘

    Look Maurice. 看 莫里斯 Here is the perfect spot for my semi-palace 是个好地方 我可以在此建造夏日行宫 so please fill in all these holes and relocate the roofed. 把坑填填 改改水道就行了 Oh, who'd leave a perfectly good h...

  • 《马达加斯加2》精讲 18你个臭显摆

    What the heck is going on? 到底发生什么事了 You are not ooh.. He was no! I thought he...You are not him. He is ooh... 你不是 哦 他是 不! 我以为 他 你不是 他! 他 You thought that guy was me? 你以为那家伙是我 No, no, no....

  • 《马达加斯加2》精讲 17我要约会了

    Oh man, 哦 老天爷啊 my dad thinks I'm a total loser. 唉 老爸认为我是个完全的笨蛋 I have ruined my parent's lifes. 我毁了我父母的生活 That is definitely not crackalacking. 那可一点也不屌 It's lacking in the craken my...

  • 《马达加斯加2》精讲 16巫医综合征

    Saw 锯子 stitcher. 针 Swallow. You're in my light Steaven. 擦汗 你挡住我的视线了 史蒂文 Oh, say. You've got a brown spot there on your shoulder. 嗯 你肩上有个褐斑 Yeah, that's very observative of you Steven. 很好的观察力...

  • 《马达加斯加2》精讲 15被流放

    Dad, what are you doing? 爸爸 你在做什么 爸爸 别这样 Dad no, you can't do this. 爸爸 你不能这么做的 Who could possibly take Zuba's place? 谁能顶替祖巴的位子呢? Anyone? Someone? 有人吗 任何人吗 No one? Hey. 没人吗...

  • 《马达加斯加2》精讲 14没有匹配的对手

    Alright, so little cubs cats, just remember... 好吧 带点气势 就记住 great dance performance comes from the heart. 伟大的舞蹈都是由心出发的 Just comes straight from your heart and you never go wrong. 由心出发 你永远也不会错...
