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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《美女与野兽》精讲>


  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 01 Once upon a time in the hidden heart of France 从前在法国的腹地 A handsome young prince lived in a beautiful castle 一位年轻英俊的王子住在金碧辉煌的城堡里 Although he had everything his heart desired 尽管王子拥有一切他
  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 02 As days bleed into years 日子一天天过去 The Prince and his servants were forgotten by the world 王子和他的仆人们早已被世人遗忘 For the enchantress had erased all memory of them from the minds of the people they loved 因为女巫也
  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 03 Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour 早上好 早上好 早上好 早上好 Morning 早安 There goes the baker with his tray like always 这是面包师 拿着他的托盘 一如既往 The same all bread and rolls to sell 还是卖着一样的面包 Eve
  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 04 Ah! If it isn't the only bookworm in town! 啊!果然是城里唯一的书呆子! So where did you run off to this week? 说说 你又去哪神游了? Two cities in northern Italy 两个在意大利北部的城市 I didn't want to come back 我都不
  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 05 Look at her LeFou 看看她 乐福 My future wife 我未来的妻子 Belle is the most beautiful girl in the village 贝儿是村子里最漂亮的女孩 That makes her the best 她是最好的 But she's so wellread 但她那么博学 And you so 而你
  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 06 Bonjour! Pardon! Good day! Mais oui! 早上好!抱歉! 日安!日安! You call this bacon? What lovely grapes! Some cheese? Ten yards. One pound. Excuse me 这是培根吗?好新鲜的葡萄啊! 还有奶酪 10码 一英镑 抱歉 I'll ge
  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 07 How does a moment last forever? 怎样才能永远留住一瞬间? How can a story never died? 怎么才能让一个故事永久流传 It is love we must hold onto 这份爱 我们一定要珍惜 Never easy but we try 就算艰难 也不退缩 Some
  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 08 Even back in Paris, I knew a girl like you who would be so... ahead of a time 甚至早在巴黎我知道一个女孩像你一样谁会那么前卫 Different, people mocked her, until the day they all found themselves imitating her 与众不同 人们嘲
  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 09 What are you doing? 你在做什么? The laundry. Come! Come! 洗衣服 过来!过来! The Blue Bird that flies over the dark wood 蓝色的鸟儿飞过黑暗 树林 That was amazing! 你太棒了! What on earth are you doing? 你到底在做什么
  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 10 The only children you should concern yourself will be your own 你不应该操心别人家的孩子 你该操心你自己的孩子 I'm not ready to have children 我真没想过生孩子 Maybe you haven't met the right man 也许你还没有遇到合适
  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 11 Madam Gaston can't you just see it? 加斯顿 你难道看不出来吗? Madame Gaston his little wife Ugh! 加斯顿 我怎能做他的妻子! No Sir Not me I guarantee it 不行 真的不行 不可能 I want much more than this provincial life 我
  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 12 Go go Philippe! Come on! Come on! Come on! 跑跑 菲利普!快点! Go Philippe! Go! go,go. 快 菲利普!快! Philippe! 菲利普! Good boy 好伙计 Go boy! Go! 快 伙计!快! Philippe you saved my life! 菲利普 你救了我的命! Wel
  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 13 Anyone home? Anyone awake? 有人在家吗? 有人醒着吗? He must''ve lost his way in the woods. Shut up. 他一定是在森林里迷路了 Excuse me? Beautiful. Extraordinary 有人吗?好精美 这可不一般 A man of taste. He was talking ab
  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 14 I cannot thank you enough for your hospitality 我得走了 非常感谢您的款待 I'll leave you and good night 我走了 晚安 Come on! Philippe! Go! Go! 过来 菲利普 快走 No, wait, wait, wait! 不 等等 慢着 慢着 Roses. I nearly forg
  • 《美女与野兽》精讲 15 Who's there? 是谁? Papa is that you? 爸爸 是你吗? Belle! 贝儿! How did you find me? 你怎么找到我的? Your hands are iced 你的手好冰 We need to get you home 我们需要带你回家 Belle now you must leave! 贝儿 你现在必