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  • 2018年双语新闻 柯洁:不能胜天半子又如何

    Happy to be human 柯洁:不能胜天半子又如何? Over a year ago, before Ke Jie, one of China's and the world's best Go players, went into battle with AlphaGo, the artificial intelligence (AI) machine developed by Google's Deepmind team, 一年...

  • 2018年双语新闻 故宫出口红了

    A new look for old, beautiful colors 故宫出口红了!传说中的宫斗色! The Palace Museum, long associated with images of century-old buildings and relics, is now taking a surprising step into fashion: not high-end fashion, but the everyda...

  • 2018年双语新闻 圣诞老人很忙

    Santa sends a message 圣诞季到了,圣诞老人很忙 It's only two weeks to Christmas, one of the most important festivals in countries such as the US and the UK. Santa Claus is coming the big, jolly man in a red suit with a white beard who is...

  • 2018年双语新闻 温子仁的好莱坞逆袭之路

    Don't put me in a box 温子仁的好莱坞逆袭之路 It's never easy for an Asian to earn a place in Hollywood, either as an actor or a director. 不论是作为演员还是导演,亚裔想在好莱坞争得一席之地都并非易事。 However...

  • 2018年双语新闻 动物遇险,我们是否应该伸出援手?

    Leave well alone? 动物遇险,我们是否应该伸出援手? When we see a person in distress, our immediate reaction is to lend a hand. Not to do so would be a moral failure. 当我们看到有人遇险时,第一反应就是伸出援手。否则...

  • 2018年双语新闻 再见了,海绵宝宝之父

    Oceanic innocence 再见了,海绵宝宝之父 Stephen Hillenburg, the US animator whose childhood summers on a Maine island later inspired him to create the famous cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants, passed away on Nov 26 at the age of 57. 11月26日,美...

  • 2018年双语新闻 “基因编辑婴儿”打开了潘多拉魔盒?

    Breakthrough or bad science? 基因编辑婴儿打开了潘多拉魔盒? It's long been a scientific dream: to inoculate people against terrible diseases before birth. 令人类先天对重疾免疫是科学界长久以来的梦想。 Recently a Ch...

  • 2018年双语新闻 今年的年度词“有毒”?

    Is our world 'toxic'? 今年的年度词有毒? There's only one month left of 2018. If you could pick a single word to describe the year, which would you choose? 2018年只剩下一个月了。如果要选一个词来形容这一年,你会选哪个...

  • 2018年双语新闻 《无敌破坏王2》:网络大冒险还是友谊大考验?

    A neat net time together 《无敌破坏王2》:网络大冒险还是友谊大考验? Friendships are built on trust, love, and similar interests. 信任、爱与共同的兴趣爱好是友谊的基础。 Most of us would do anything to make our...

  • 2018年双语新闻 保卫方向盘,多地纷纷出招治车闹

    Attack on bus driver brings safety review 保卫方向盘,多地纷纷出招治车闹 It was a shock and a painful lesson for many people when the police announced the cause of a bus accident in Chongqing on Oct 28. 警方公布了1028重庆公交坠...

  • 2018年双语新闻 "一本好书"上演"一出好戏"

    Learn to love reading 《一本好书》上演一出好戏 I've had a digital version of UK writer W. Somerset Maugham's 1919 novel, The Moon and Sixpence, on my Kindle for quite some time now. I bought it because it's a classic. But I still haven't...

  • 2018年双语新闻 “小雀斑”终于圆了“巫师梦”

    Learning to be a wizard 小雀斑终于圆了巫师梦 Welcome back to JK Rowling's wizarding world. 欢迎来到J.K.罗琳的魔法世界。 This time, however, the main character is not Harry Potter. 而这一次,主角并不是哈利波特。 St...

  • 2018年双语新闻 斯坦·李:用一生创造一个宇宙

    Farewell, hero star 斯坦李:用一生创造一个宇宙 For many comic lovers, Stan Lee is a superhero. Dubbed the father of Marvel Comics, he created an imaginary world with a list of superheroes, including Spider-Man, the Hulk, Iron Man and Bla...

  • 2018年双语新闻 宫崎骏电影中的女性力量

    Magical movies 宫崎骏电影中的女性力量 The man in the photo with the grey moustache, black-framed glasses and a broad smile is beloved for the beautiful worlds of fantasy he has created. 照片中这个留着灰色胡子、戴着黑框眼镜、...

  • 2018年双语新闻 “瓷娃娃”福原爱官宣退役

    End of a journey 瓷娃娃福原爱官宣退役 Never before have Chinese internet users so openly liked and supported a Japanese athlete as they have loved table tennis star Ai Fukuhara, better known by her Japanese nickname Ai-Chan. 乒乓球明星福...
