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  • 华盛顿邮报 沉默对男性健康的伤害(2)

    I really want to unpack some of the factors that could be driving this. 我真的很想分析一些可能导致这种情况的因素。 I remember, for example, being in the thick of the pandemic and hearing that men were more likely to die of COVID....

  • 华盛顿邮报 沉默对男性健康的伤害(1)

    Tara, I'm really glad we're getting to talk today because I'm a man, I'm about to turn 35, and it is with considerable shame, I guess, that I have to say that I haven't been to a doctor in at least five years, probably easily more than that. 塔拉,我...

  • 华盛顿邮报 育儿博主背后隐藏的剥削问题(3)

    So this was a big problem in the prank era of YouTube in 2017 and 2018 when parents were pranking their own children and filming their reactions, and you saw children crying and getting really upset. 在2017年和2018年的油管恶搞时代,这是一...

  • 华盛顿邮报 育儿博主背后隐藏的剥削问题(2)

    Taylor has been covering the Internet for years, and she's done a lot of reporting on how it makes kids feel to grow up very online. 泰勒多年来一直在报道互联网领域,她报道过很多孩子们在网上长大的感觉。 So, I actually...

  • 华盛顿邮报 育儿博主背后隐藏的剥削问题(1)

    Depending on how old you are, the phrase mommy blog may ring a bell. 视年龄而定,育儿日志这个词可能听起来很耳熟。 Before there were influencers, there were mommy bloggers, writing and posting videos and photos of their lives and...

  • 华盛顿邮报 迪士尼“IP衍生剧”利器还有用吗? (3)

    Do you have too many projects? You know, if you're putting all your good people on Wakanda Forever and then MODOK looks like crap, and Ant-Man and Quantumania, is there a problem here? 项目太多了吗? 如果把所有的优秀人员都放到《瓦坎...

  • 华盛顿邮报 迪士尼“IP衍生剧”利器还有用吗? (2)

    When it comes to Disney+, I think what people need to understand about Disney+ is it's a monster that constantly needs to be fed. 说到迪士尼+,我认为人们需要了解的是,迪士尼+是一个不断需要喂养的怪物。 And what they'r...

  • 华盛顿邮报 迪士尼“IP衍生剧”利器还有用吗? (1)

    Earlier this week after leaving work, the only thing I wanted to do was watch the season finale of The Mandalorian.本周初,我下班后一心想做的事就是观看《曼达洛人》这一季的大结局。 I'm a massive Star Wars fan, especiall...

  • 华盛顿邮报 美绝密文件泄漏令高层恐慌 (2)

    So, Alex, what is the U.S. government saying about this -- everything from their awareness of them to the legitimacy of the documents? 那么,亚历克斯,美国政府对此是怎么说的他们对文件合法性的认识是怎么说的? So, when...

  • 华盛顿邮报 美绝密文件泄漏令高层恐慌 (1)

    Okay. So, you saw these documents. What was your reaction, and -- and what did they actually look like? 好。你看到了这些文件。你的反应是什么,它们到底长什么样? I was astounded to -- to see these documents, I'm like, Oh, my...
