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  • 华盛顿邮报 “80后”印度裔苏纳克是如何登上权力巅峰的?(2)

    He's somebody who is born in Britain to a family of Indian origin. 他出生在英国的一个印度裔家庭。 His parents migrated to the United Kingdom in the 1960s. 他的父母是在20世纪60年代移民到英国的。 He had parents who were...

  • 华盛顿邮报 “80后”印度裔苏纳克是如何登上权力巅峰的?(1)

    Good morning. I've just been to Buckingham Palace and accepted His Majesty the King's invitation to form a government in his name. 早上好。我刚刚前往了白金汉宫, 接受了国王陛下的授权, 以他的名义组建政府。 It is only r...

  • 华盛顿邮报 数百名美国退役军人为外国政府工作(3)

    So, the best-known example of someone going to work for the United Arab Emirates was actually Marine General Jim Mattis, who's our former secretary of defense. 去阿拉伯联合酋长国工作的最著名的人物是海军陆战队上将詹姆斯马蒂...

  • 华盛顿邮报 数百名美国退役军人为外国政府工作(2)

    President Trump's fired national security adviser, Michael Flynn, just a short time ago, cutting a deal at a plea agreement hearing in federal court in Washington, D.C. General Flynn pleading guilty to lying to the FBI, admitting he misled investigat...

  • 华盛顿邮报 数百名美国退役军人为外国政府工作(1)

    In 2013, Keith Alexander was at the height of his career in military power. 2013年,基思亚历山大正处于军事权力生涯的巅峰。 At that point, the four-star Army general was the longest-serving director of the NSA. 当时,这位四星...

  • 华盛顿邮报 侃爷发反犹太帖子被封号(2)

    How widespread is that idea on the right? 这种想法在右翼中有多普遍? This is a big movement on the right. 这是右翼中的一个大运动。 There is genuine concern, I think, and maybe also some opportunistic outrage at the idea that th...

  • 华盛顿邮报 侃爷发反犹太帖子被封号(1)

    So, the rapper Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, has been celebrated and elevated by many on the right for his outspoken criticism of liberals. 说唱歌手侃爷,原名坎耶韦斯特,因直言不讳地批评自由党而受到许多右翼人士的...

  • 华盛顿邮报 伊朗女性为何焚烧头巾?(5)

    And if people are already worried about the government there being able to act with impunity, I can imagine that not having the ability to share videos of what's actually happening there would make those concerns a lot worse. 如果人们已经担心伊...

  • 华盛顿邮报 伊朗女性为何焚烧头巾?(4)

    I'm curious. Over the last few days, what are some of the scenes that you've seen in these protests that have really stuck with you? what do you recall? 我很好奇。在过去的几天里,你在这些抗议活动中看到了哪些让你印象深刻...

  • 华盛顿邮报 伊朗女性为何焚烧头巾?(3)

    So, when news got out about what happened to Mahsa, how quickly did that spread into protests? 当马莎出事的消息传出后,过了多久就演变成了抗议呢? It spread later that day. They've grown pretty rapidly since. 消息在当天晚些...
