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  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 420睡前故事

    你觉得她会喜欢睡前故事吗 我可以讲讲 Do you think she'll like bedtime stories? I'd like to do those. 是吗 Yeah? 是啊 我目前只会发出各种汨汨声 Yeah. I just make a series of gurgling noises at the moment. 不过她好像挺...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 419联络人

    这太荒唐了 你心知肚明 This is absolutely ridiculous and you know it. 还要来几次 How many more times? 六年前你负责 Six years ago you held the brief 海外行动 代号为爱 for Foreign Operations, code name Love. 这一切都基于...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 418雏菊

    -你好 -你好 - Hello. - Ah, hello. -我喜欢你的雏菊 -谢谢 - I like your daisy. - Thank you, yeah. 但我觉得 这不是我的风格 It's not really me, though, I think. -不是吗 -不不 这太花哨了 - No? - No, no, it's too floral fo...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 417阿穆

    他只听到是那个英国女人 The English woman, that's all he heard. 自然以为是玛丽 Naturally, he assumed it was Mary. 就不能等你回来吗 Couldn't this wait until you're back? 不行 这事没完 No, it's not over. 阿杰说有人出卖...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 416你背叛了我们

    你知道我也会杀死你的 You know I'll kill you too. 你知道我会的 阿杰 You know I will, Ajay. 你以为我在乎生死吗 What, you think I care if I die? 我做梦都想杀了你 I've dreamed of killing you... 过去六年每晚都在想...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 415我活了下来

    足够我把我的记忆棒藏起来 Long enough to hide my memory stick. 我不想它落在他们手里 I didn't want that to fall into their hands. 你看 我很忠诚 I was loyal, you see. 对朋友很忠诚 Loyal to my friends. 但他们抓了我...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 414又见面了

    趴下 Get down! 又见面了 Hello again. -阿杰 -你还记得我 我真感动 - Ajay? - Oh, you remember me, I'm touched. 听着 我以为你死了 相信我 真的 Look, I thought you were dead, believe me, I did. 我盼着今天太久了 I've be...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 413会没事的

    当然 Yes, of course. 玛丽 我也许不是个好人 Mary, I may not be a very good man... 但我认为我比你想的要好些 ..But I think I'm a bit better than you give me credit for, -多数时候是 -一直是 - most of the time. - All the ti...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 412追踪器

    但这非常困难 But they're really difficult, 所以我直接 so instead I just stuck 在你的记忆棒里安了追踪器 a tracer on the inside of the memory stick. 你个混蛋 Oh, you bastard! -你个混蛋 -我知道 可你的表情 - You bas...

  • 《神探夏洛克》精讲 411削减未知变量

    不像这样 Not like this one. 你没机会了 没机会了 You haven't got a chance, not a chance. 我把你困死了 投降吧 投降吧 I've got you where I want you. Give in, give in! 我会灭了你的 你完全任我摆布了 I will destroy yo...
