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  • 棒棒学英语 英语动画:轮到谁了

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  • Daily English-2017年05月19日

    Dinner is on me. Please order whatever you like. 晚饭我请客,请随便点你喜欢的。 图片1...

  • 谈恋爱别嫉妒-记录让你感恩的事(3)

    谈恋爱别嫉妒 Keep a gratitude journal 记录让你感恩的事 Jealousy stems from an inherent belief of lack and scarcity, and a feeling of fear and threat. 嫉妒来源于缺少和稀有的固有观念,以及担心感和威胁感。 When we...

  • 谈恋爱别嫉妒-察觉并确认另一半的感觉(2)

    谈恋爱别嫉妒 Acknowledge and affirm your partner's feelings 察觉并确认另一半的感觉 To nip jealousy in the bud, first youhave to take ownership of your feelings and understand how your behavior impactsyour partner. 想要将嫉妒掐灭...

  • 谈恋爱别嫉妒-对自己好(1)

    谈恋爱别嫉妒 Treat Yo' Self 对自己好 When you're in a good place yourself - thriving in the workplace, living a harmonious home life, goodhealth, experiencing solid spirituality - your heart naturally expands,allowing you to let go of bitte...

  • 管理愤怒情绪-学习用合适的方式去发泄你的愤怒(3)

    管理愤怒情绪 Learn appropriate ways to express your anger. 学习用合适的方式去发泄你的愤怒。 An anger management program or atherapist can help you learn to defuse your rage. 一个愤怒管理项目或是一个理疗师可以帮助...

  • 管理愤怒情绪-要对你的愤怒负责(2)

    管理愤怒情绪 Take responsibility for youranger. Recognize that its your choicewhether or not to become angry. Once you accept responsibility for yourfeelings, thoughts and behaviors, youre less likely toreact explosively. 要对你的愤怒负责...

  • 管理愤怒情绪-承认并接受你的愤怒(1)

    管理愤怒情绪 Recognise and accept your anger. When you feel angry, be curious about your reaction. Ask yourself: 承认并接受你的愤怒。当你感觉很生气时,要对你的反应感到好奇。问问你自己: What does it do to you...

  • 一晚没睡好?-出去晒晒太阳(6)

    A Crappy Night's Sleep 一晚没睡好 Avoid your devices once it gets dark. 天黑之后远离电子设备。 Since grogginess can make you lessproductive, you might be tempted to work later than usual. 失眠会降低你的效率,你可能不得不...

  • 一晚没睡好?-出去晒晒太阳(5)

    A Crappy Night's Sleep 一晚没睡好 Go out in the sun. 出去晒晒太阳。 Bright light helps wake you up, says Cathy Goldstein, M.D., a neurologist at Michigan Medicine's Sleep Disorders Center. 睡眠障碍治疗中心的神经专家Cathy Gold...
