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  • VOA双语新闻:有议员呼吁调查布什政府反恐政策

    Influential Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy has proposed that an independent truth commission be established to investigate alleged abuses of power under the Bush administration. President Barack Obama has reacted cautiously to the suggestion, sayin...

  • VOA双语新闻:金正日参观火箭发射区

    North Korean media says leader Kim Jong Il has toured the northeast province where Pyongyang says it plans to launch a satellite soon. South Korean leaders are deeply concerned about the looming launch. 北韩媒体说,北韩领导人金正日参观了...

  • VOA双语新闻:美两党议员对奥巴马演讲反应不同

    Republicans and Democrats in Congress are reacting to President Barack Obama's speech, in which he warned Americans that the economy faces a dire day of reckoning, but one the country can recover from. 美国国会共和、民主两党议员对奥巴马...

  • VOA双语新闻:奥巴马会晤日首相谈经济安全问题

    Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso has become the first foreign leader to visit U.S. President Barack Obama. The leaders of the world's two biggest economies discussed the global financial crisis, among other issues. 日本首相麻生太郎成为访问美...

  • VOA双语新闻:伯南克:美国经济严重收缩

    Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke Tuesday told a congressional panel that the economy is in the midst of a severe contraction, but that there is a chance of turnaround later this year. 美国联邦储备委员会主席伯南克星期二告诉...

  • VOA双语新闻:巴塔利班延长斯瓦特山谷停火

    Pakistani Taliban militants in the country's troubled Swat valley say they are indefinitely extending a cease-fire with the government. Swat Taliban leader Maulana Fazlullah is expected to soon announce the terms of the cease-fire. 在巴基斯坦事端...

  • VOA双语新闻:巴居民抗议以拆除东耶路撒冷民宅

    Palestinians in East Jerusalem are protesting what they say are preparations by Israel to demolish scores of Arab homes. The Arab residents accuse the Israelis of trying to push them out of Jerusalem, which both Israel and the Palestinians claim as t...

  • VOA双语新闻:索激进派威胁再次袭击维和部队

    Somalia's militant al-Shabab group has promised to launch more attacks against African Union peacekeeping troops a day after 11 soldiers from Burundi were killed in blasts claimed by the group. 索马里激进组织青年党发誓要对非洲联盟维和...

  • VOA双语新闻:UN机构:工业化要选择正确产品

    A United Nations agency is offering what it calls a conceptual breakthrough to uplift the world's poorest people. The U.N. Industrial Development Organization contends selective industrialization offers the best chance for smaller, developing countri...

  • VOA双语新闻:奥巴马会见各州州长谈经济问题

    U.S. President Barack Obama says the nation's governors will be held accountable for money flowing into their states as part of his economic stimulus plan. The money should start arriving this week. 美国总统奥巴马星期一向全国州长协会...
