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  • 研究:手指长度透露人的性格和才干


  • 研究表明情侣合作存优势 女性多处主导地位

    Recent research by Chinese scholars has shown that lovers have certain advantages when it comes to cooperation, and that females play a leading role in cooperation between heterosexual couples. 中国学者最近的一项研究表明,情侣在合作方...

  • 研究:坐过山车能排出肾结石?

    Just ask any one of the 300,000 Americans who develop kidney stones: What if the excruciating pain of passing one of those little devils could be prevented by strapping yourself into a make-believe runaway mine train, throwing your hands in the air a...

  • 研究发现 户外学习对幼儿发展起到促进作用

    Childhoods were dramatically changing, with fewer opportunities to spend time outdoors, researchers observed. The loss of exposure to the natural environment would have negative long-term consequences, they warned. 研究人员发现,随着在室外的...

  • 研究显示 智能手机贬值速度竟快过汽车!

    Mobile phones can lose half of their value a month after being released, meaning they depreciate faster than cars, according to research. 一项研究指出,手机在发布一个月后就会贬值一半,这意味着其贬值速度比汽车还快。...

  • 研究称吸烟可能降低男性精子质量

    Everyone knows that a woman who smokes and plans to become pregnant should stop smoking. A new study suggests that the future father should quit, too. 人人都知道,吸烟的女性如果计划怀孕,就应该戒烟。一项新研究表明,计划...

  • 研究发现:欧洲人血统起源

    The first DNA analysis of 2,500-year-old remains from one of the great early civilizations of the Middle East, the Phoenicians, has shown the man had European heritage, researchers said Wednesday. 周三,研究人员宣布对于2500年的尸体的首...

  • 研究发现 高个男性比矮个子要挣得多!

    A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research traced the professional activity of 5,000 men in Indonesia for seven years. 国家经济局在一项历时7年的研究中,追踪记录了印度尼西亚5000名男性的职业历程。 By the end,...

  • 研究:儿童上课不穿鞋 表现更出色

    Schoolchildren who attend their lessons wearing no shoes are likely to obtain better grades and behave better than those who wear them, a decade-long academic research has revealed. 一项为期十年的研究显示,学龄孩童不穿鞋上课比穿鞋...

  • 研究表明 中国人已成为美国房产最大海外买家

    Chinese nationals became the largest foreign buyers of US homes last year as they pour billions into American real estate, seeking safe offshore assets, according to a new study. 根据一项最新研究表明,中国人去年成为了美国房地产的...
