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  • 囧研究 无名指比食指长更花心?!

    Science offers a handy way to distinguish between faithful and promiscuous types: check the length of their fingers. 科学提供了一个辨别忠诚和花心类型的便捷方法:看看手指的长度。 People with a right ring finger thats much...

  • 囧研究 我们为什么都爱抠鼻屎?

    Poking around inside our nostrils is disgusting, unhygienic and potentially harmful, so its baffling that its as common as it is? 在鼻孔里捅来捅去听起来真恶心,既不卫生也不安全,真是很奇怪为什么抠鼻子会那么流行。...

  • 囧研究 用选狗的方式来择偶

    Do you always go for the wrong men, but have the most perfect pet? Then this relationship advice may be for you. 你是不是一直选错男人却拥有着一只最完美的宠物?那么这个恋爱建议可能就是为你准备的。 A leading lov...

  • 研究:幸运符有助提升恋爱运

    Lucky talismans and charms provide a welcome boost in confidence during the search for The One, match.com has found. 婚恋交友网站默契网(match.com)发现,那些能给人带来幸运的护身符和幸运符能让人在寻找另一半的过...

  • 研究:吸电子烟也会上瘾

    A new study warned that because e-liquids contain the most addictive form of nicotine and many bottles of the liquid are mislabeled as to their level of the drug, they are causing major problems. It comes as a separate study found that gradually decr...

  • 研究:穿名牌应聘更容易成功

    Imagine this: You're interviewing two people for a job. They're equally competent, capable, and qualifiedbut you can see that one is wearing an outfit from HM and the other's clothes are clearly from Louis Vuitton. Which candidate will you hire? 想象...

  • 研究:掰手指的人关节更健康

    It creates a sound that sets teeth on edge and, were often told, raises the risk of arthritis. 掰指关节的声音让人很不舒服,而且我们常被告知,掰指关节会增加患关节炎的风险。 But people who can crack their knuckles...

  • 研究:女孩和男孩阅读习惯大不同

    Girls have more firmly embraced digital literacy and formats such as Facebook, email and text message, while boys are more comfortable with traditional printed media such as comics, manuals and newspapers, according to a study published by the Nation...

  • 研究表明:愤世嫉俗者赚钱更少

    Cynics earn less 愤世嫉俗者赚钱少 People who take a dim view of the world and those around them earn less, research shows. 一项研究发现,对于世界和周围人们持悲观看法的人,赚的钱更少。 The difference is far from i...

  • 研究:废寝忘食并不能有效提高成绩

    Sacrificing sleep and skipping meals to study in quest for academic excellence actually doesn't work, a new Harvard study into 'grit' has revealed. 哈佛大学一项关于决心的研究表明,废寝忘食并不能奏效。 Children who strive for...
