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  • 调查发现 超7成90后妈妈愿自己带娃

    Many tag the young generation born in the 1990s as rebellious, and in some cases even selfish, yet a recent report revealed that when they become mothers, they tend to sacrifice more for their children - including their careers. 许多人给90后年轻...

  • 调查显示 叛逆青春期良师陪伴收益多

    Being taught by a good teacher between 10 and 11 can stop children turning into bad-tempered teenagers, a study has found. 一项研究发现,在10至11岁之间的时候有一位好老师来教育,可以防止孩子们成为暴躁的青少年。...

  • 调查显示 我国超七成民众认为高校学费太高

    As more provinces plan to join Guangdong and Jiangxi in raising university tuition fees, 76 percent of survey respondents said the cost of education is already high. 继广东和江西之后,更多省份计划提高大学学费。在《中国青年报...

  • 调查显示 中国消费能力依然坚挺

    Most Chinese consumers will continue to spend, this year despite slowing economic growth and market volatility, according to research by Boston Consulting Group. 根据波士顿咨询公司的一项调查显示,尽管今年的经济增长有所放缓...

  • 调查显示:莎士比亚在英国之外的国家更受欢迎

    LONDON (Reuters) - On the 400th anniversary of his death, Shakespeare is morepopular abroad than in Britain and makes a significant contribution to the UKs prosperity and influence, according to a survey published on Tuesday. (伦敦)一份周二出版...

  • 调查显示 工作效率低下的罪魁祸首竟是智能手机!

    Do you waste time at work? No, of course you don't. Never! You're very productive. 工作时你有没有虚度光阴?当然没有,你向来惜时如金!是的,你效率非常高。 And do you have a smartphone? Yes, you do, but that's not rel...

  • 调查显示 毕业生入行偏好逐渐转变

    Preferences of Chinese college graduates for employment have been changing in recent years as the country undergoes transformations in its economic and industrial structure, a recent survey found. 近日一份调查发现,随着我国经济产业结构...

  • 调查显示 五成初中学生遭受校园欺凌后选择沉默

    Nearly half the victims of bullying in junior middle schools choose to stay silent rather than seek help or solutions to the problem, China Youth Daily reported. 据《中国青年报》报道,在遭受校园欺凌后,近半初中生受害者选择...

  • 调查:北京房租负担排名全球第一

    Beijing is the least affordable place to rent in the world, according to a new report from the Global Cities Business Alliance. 根据全球城市商业联盟最近的调查报告显示:北京房租负担(房租占工资比重)排名全球首位。...

  • 调查显示:移动支付有望取代传统支付方式

    Smartphones are likely to replace wallets in the near future as about 65 percent of the online payment deals last year were done with mobile devices, a new study said. 最新调查显示,在2015年,有多达65%的网上支付账单是通过移动设...
