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  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第98期:走掉肥胖

    Unit 98:Walk it off 第98单元:走掉肥胖 You've been using a significant amount of energy ever since that first tottering step you took as a child. 打从孩提摇摇晃晃学走路的第一步起,你就已用掉很多的精力了。 Walkin...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第97期:有氧运动好处多

    Unit 97:Aerobicize 第97单元:有氧运动好处多 Aerobic exercises-aerobic dance classes,brisk walking,running,bike riding, 有氧舞蹈课、快步、跑步、骑脚踏车、 swimming and similar activities requiring steady,intense effort-ar...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第96期:做记录

    Unit 96:Keep a log 第96单元:做记录 A written record of your accomplishments is very satisfying and helps inspire you to keep at it. 把自己所完成的事项记录下来会让你有成就感,并且会有助激励自己持续下去。 I...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第95期:制定切合实际的目标

    Unit 95:Set realistic goals 第95单元:制定切合实际的目标 OK.so you're one of those people who's ready and willing to put in some serious exercise effort. 好了,你现在已经是一位准备好而且愿意努力运动减肥的人了。...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第94期:如果你无法或者只是不想多做运动,就少做一点吧

    Unit 94:Do a little if you can't (or just don't want to) do a lot 第94单元:如果你无法或者只是不想多做运动,就少做一点吧 Any exercise is better than no exercise,says Dr.Kelly Brownell of the University of Pennsylvania. 宾州大...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第93期:放自己一马

    Unit 93:Give yourself a break 第93单元:放自己一马 Did you go off your diet? Welcome to the club ! 你在节食中破戒了吗?欢迎你加入我们的行列! You're only human.Don't come down on yourself. 你只是个凡人嘛。别责怪...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第92期:睡眠充足

    Unit 92:Get enough sleep 第92单元:睡眠充足 Sometimes we eat too much not because we're hungry but because we're sleepy. 有的时候我们吃得太多不是因为肚子饿,而是因为想睡觉。 We unconsciously think that eating will...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第91期:看清自己的吃相

    Unit 91:Watch yourself 第91单元:看清自己的吃相 Do you still occasionally wolf down peanuts or eat ice cream from the carton? 你是不是偶尔仍会大啖花生米或偷吃桶装冰淇淋? A simple exercise may help you stop:While ea...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第90期:把冰箱装满食物

    Unit 90:Fill up your fridge 第90单元:把冰箱装满食物 Your refrigerator shouldn't look like you've just been wiped out by a binge一eating burglar. 你的冰箱不该看起来像是被贪吃贼洗劫一空的样子。 All that empty white...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第89期:在固定位置用餐

    Unit 89:Eat in one place 第89单元:在固定位置用餐 You're not a mouse who lugs its chunk of cheese from one hole to another. 你可不是老鼠,得拖着一大块乳酪往来于洞穴间。 Be the civilized creature that you are. Confin...
