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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《福尔摩斯探案全集》中英双语有声读物>


  • 血字的研究 16劳瑞斯顿花园街的惨案(4) A short passage, bare-planked and dusty, led to the kitchen and offices. 有一条短短的过道通向厨房,过道地上没有平地毯,灰尘满地。 Two doors opened out of it to the left and to the right. 过道左右各有一门。 One of
  • 血字的研究 17劳瑞斯顿花园街的惨案(5) Sherlock Holmes approached the body, and, kneeling down, examined it intently. 福尔摩斯走到尸体跟前,跪下来全神贯注地检查着。 You are sure that there is no wound? he asked, pointing to numerous gouts and splashes of blood which
  • 血字的研究 18劳瑞斯顿花园街的惨案(6) Sherlock Holmes chuckled to himself, and appeared to be about to make some remark, 福尔摩斯暗自笑了一笑,正要说些什么, when Lestrade, who had been in the front room while we were holding this conversation in the hall, 这时雷斯垂
  • 血字的研究 19劳瑞斯顿花园街的惨案(7) As I watched him I was irresistibly reminded of a pure-blooded, well-trained foxhound, 我在一旁观察他的时候,不禁想起了训练有素的纯种猎犬, as it dashes backward and forward through the covert, whining in its eagerness, unti
  • 血字的研究 20警察栾斯的叙述(1) Chapter 4 第四章 WHAT JOHN RANCE HAD TO TELL 警察栾斯的叙述 IT WAS one o'clock when we left No. 3, Lauriston Gardens. 我们离开劳瑞斯顿花园街3号的时候,已是午后一点钟了。 Sherlock Holmes led me to the nearest telegra
  • 血字的研究 21警察栾斯的叙述(2) And the florid face? I asked. 还有那个红脸的问题呢?我又问道。 Ah, that was a more daring shot, though I have no doubt that I was right. 啊,那就是一个更为大胆的推测了,然而我确信我是正确的。 You must not as
  • 血字的研究 22警察栾斯的叙述(3) This conversation had occurred while our cab had been threading its way through a long succession of dingy streets and dreary byways. 在我们谈话的时候,车子不断地穿过昏暗的大街和气凉的小巷。 In the dingiest and dreariest o
  • 血字的研究 23警察栾斯的叙述(4) Why, that's true, sir, he said; 天哪,确是那样,先生,他说, though how you come to know it, Heaven only knows. 可是您怎么会知道的,天晓得! Ye see when I got up to the door, it was so still and so lonesome, 你瞧,当我走
  • 血字的研究 24警察栾斯的叙述(5) There's a half-sovereign for you, my companion said, standing up and taking his hat. 这个半镑金币给你,我的同伴说着就站起身来,戴上帽子, I am afraid, Rance, that you will never rise in the force. 栾斯,我恐怕你在警察
  • 血字的研究 25广告引来了不速之客(1) Chapter 5 第五章 OUR ADVERTISEMENT BRINGS A VISITOR 广告引来了不速之客 OUR morning's exertions had been too much for my weak health, and I was tired out in the afternoon. 上午忙碌了一阵,我的身体实在有点吃不消,因此,
  • 血字的研究 26广告引来了不速之客(2) I can understand. There is a mystery about this which stimulates the imagination; 这一点我能够理解。这件案子有一些神秘莫测的地方,因而才引起了想象。 where there is no imagination there is no horror. Have you seen the
  • 血字的研究 27广告引来了不速之客(3) I went to my bedroom and followed his advice. 我回到卧室,照他的话去做了准备。 When I returned with the pistol, the table had been cleared, 当我拿着手枪出来的时候,只见餐桌已经收拾干净, and Holmes was engaged i
  • 血字的研究 28广告引来了不速之客(4) I glanced at my companion, 我看了我的伙伴一眼, and his face had assumed such a disconsolate expression that it was all I could do to keep my countenance. 只见他显得怏怏不乐,我也只好装出一副泰然自若的神气来。 The
  • 血字的研究 29广告引来了不速之客(5) It was close upon twelve before I heard the sharp sound of his latchkey. 将近十二点钟,我才听到福尔摩斯用钥匙打开大门上弹簧锁的声音。 The instant he entered I saw by his face that he had not been successful. 他一进房来
  • 血字的研究 30葛莱森大显身手(1) Chapter 6 第六章 TOBIAS GREGSON SHOWS WHAT HE CAN DO 特白厄斯葛莱森大显身手 THE papers next day were full of the Brixton Mystery, as they termed it. 第二天,各家报纸连篇累牍地刊载着所谓布瑞克斯顿奇案的新闻。