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  • 舌尖上的中国第1季 第26期:主食的故事(9)

    Lanzhou natives start their days with a bowl of beef noodles. 兰州人的早晨是从一碗牛肉面开始的。 With the Yellow River crossing the city, Lanzhou is home to over 1,000 Muslim noodle shops. 这个黄河穿城而过的城市有着1000多...

  • 舌尖上的中国第1季 第25期:主食的故事(8)

    Thousands of miles away in Xi'an, this restaurant in the old city town is always filled with people waiting. 几千公里外的西安老城区里的这家饭馆永远站满了等候的人。 What can keep the local people wait so patiently can only b...

  • 舌尖上的中国第1季 第24期:主食的故事(7)

    As white as jade, the rice noodles preserve some warmth and produce the unique fragrance of rice. 洁白如玉的米粉留有余温,在雾气缭绕中散发着独特的稻米清香。 Yang Xiuxia and her husband cooperate naturally. 杨秀霞和丈夫...

  • 舌尖上的中国第1季 第23期:主食的故事(6)

    In the Dong language, Dimen means the origin of spring. 地扪在侗语里的意思是泉水之源。 Dimen Village sits at the origin of Qingshui River. 地处清水江源头的地扪村。 It mostly rains throughout a year. 一年中阴雨天居多。...

  • 舌尖上的中国第1季 第22期:主食的故事(5)

    In autumn, the ripe wheat decides the basic color of the land in North China. 辽阔的中国北方成熟的小麦决定了大地的基本色。 Wheat was introduced into the Central Plains through the Hosi Corridor. 小麦从河西走廊传入到中原...

  • 舌尖上的中国第1季 第21期:主食的故事-黄馍馍(3)

    Huang and his wife can make 700 buns every time. 老黄和老伴一次做700个黄馍馍。 Grinding up, kneading and fermentation, the whole process takes 3 days. 上碾,揉面,发酵,前后要花3天时间。 The couple works from 3 am throug...

  • 舌尖上的中国第1季 第20期:主食的故事-黄馍馍(2)

    Suide is rich in the glutinous millet resources. 绥德盛产糜子。 The yellow steamed buns are made with this main ingredient. 黄馍馍就是用糜子面做的馒头。 Due to its drought-enduring nature, glutinous millet became the most importa...

  • 舌尖上的中国第1季 第19期:主食的故事-黄馍馍(1)

    These diverse and delicate foods remind people of the women's nimble fingers and rich imagination. 这些花样众多的精致面食无不让人感到纤巧细手的灵动和聪明睿智的丰富想象。 When the women in the Ding Village are busy p...

  • 舌尖上的中国第1季 第18期:主食的故事-面食

    China has diverse natural conditions across its land. 中国自然地理的多样变化。 As a result, Chinese people living in different areas enjoy absolutely different but rich staple food. 生活在不同地域的中国人享受到截然不同的丰...

  • 舌尖上的中国第1季 第17期:自然的馈赠-远洋捕捞(2)

    The crew places their hopes on him. 希望都寄托在林红旗身上。 He is the captain, responsible for locating fish shoals. 他是船长,鱼群的位置全凭他的判断。 Traveling long distances within one day, the people who depend on th...
