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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《简·爱》中英双语有声读物>


 简·爱(Jane Eyre),是夏洛蒂·勃朗特写的小说《简·爱》中的女主人公。



  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 14 第十四章(7) 搜索 复制 He had deigned an explanation, almost an apology, 他己降格作了解释。近乎道歉。 and I did not feel insensible to his condescension, and would not seem so. 我对他的屈尊俯就并没有无动于衷,也不想显得如此。
  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 14 第十四章(8) 搜索 复制 Well then, on that mercenary ground, will you agree to let me hector a little? 好吧,那么出于雇佣观点,你肯让我耍点儿威风吗? No, sir, not on that ground, but, on the ground that you did forget it, 不,先生,不
  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 14 第十四章(9) 搜索 复制 I started, or rather (for like other defaulters, I like to lay half the blame on ill fortune and adverse circumstances) 我开始,或者不如说(因为像其他有过失的人一样,我总爱把一半的罪责推给厄运和逆境)
  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 14 第十四章(10) 搜索 复制 When fate wronged me, I had not the wisdom to remain cool. 当命运亏待了我时,我没有明智地保持冷静。 I turned desperate; then I degenerated. 我开始绝望,随后坠落了。 Now, when any vicious simpleton excites
  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 14 第十四章(11) 搜索 复制 Once more, how do you know? 再说一遍,你怎么知道的呢? By what instinct do you pretend to distinguish between a fallen seraph of the abyss and a messenger from the eternal throne between a guide and a seducer? 你凭什么直
  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 14 第十四章(12) 搜索 复制 You seem to doubt me; I don't doubt myself: 你似乎对我表示怀疑,我倒不怀疑自己。 I know what my aim is, what my motives are. 我明白自己的目的是什么,动机是什么。 And at this moment I pass a law, unalt
  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 14 第十四章(13) 搜索 复制 Do you never laugh, Miss Eyre? 你从来没有笑过吗,爱小姐? Don't trouble yourself to answer I see you laugh rarely. 你不必费心来回答了 我知道你难得一笑。 But you can laugh very merrily. 可是你可以笑得很
  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 14 第十四章(14) 搜索 复制 She is now with Sophie, undergoing a robing process. 现在她跟索菲娅在一起,正忙着试装呢。 In a few minutes she will reenter. 不要几分钟,她会再次进来。 And I know what I shall see, a miniature of Celine Va
  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 15 第十五章(1) 搜索 复制 Mr. Rochester did, on a future occasion, explain it. 在日后某个场合,罗切斯特先生的确对这件事情作了解释。 It was one afternoon, when he chanced to meet me and Adle in the grounds. 一天下午,他在庭院里碰
  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 15 第十五章(2) 搜索 复制 I was just beginning to stifle with the fumes of conservatory flowers and sprinkled essences, 我正开始沉醉在暖房花朵的气息和弥漫着的幽幽清香里时, when I bethought myself to open the window and step out on to t
  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 15 第十五章(3) 搜索 复制 But that was a spurred heel which had rung on the pavement, 但一只带踢马刺的脚跟,在人行道上响了起来, and that was a hatted head which now passed under the arched porte cochere of the hotel. 一个戴礼帽的头正从
  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 15 第十五章(4) 搜索 复制 We were ascending the avenue when he thus paused. 他这么突然止住话头时,我们正登上小路。 The hall was before us. 桑菲尔德府展现在我们面前。 Lifting his eye to its battlements, he cast over them a glare su
  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 15 第十五章(5) 搜索 复制 Adle here ran before him with her shuttlecock. 这时阿黛勒拿着板羽球跑到了他跟前。 Away! he cried harshly, keep at a distance, child, or go in to Sophie! 走开!他厉声喝道,离得远一点,孩子,要不,到里
  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 15 第十五章(6) 搜索 复制 The more you and I converse, the better; 你与我谈得越多越好。 For while I cannot blight you, you may refresh me. 因为我不可能腐蚀你。而你却可以使我重新振作起来。 After this digression he proceeded. 讲了
  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 15 第十五章(7) 搜索 复制 They began to talk. 他们开始交谈。 Their conversation eased me completely: frivolous, mercenary, heartless, and senseless. 两人的谈话使我完全安心了,轻浮浅薄、唯利是图、冷酷无情、毫无意义。 It was