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  • 月亮和六便士 第三十八章(3)

    Stroeve sighed a little and was silent. 施特略夫轻轻叹了一口气,沉默了一会儿。 His thoughts dwelt among pictures of what might have been, and the safety of the life he had refused filled him with longing. 他的思想萦回在可能发...

  • 月亮和六便士 第三十八章(2)

    Her kitchen was a miracle of clean brightness. 厨房收拾得干干净净、锃光瓦亮,简直是个奇迹。 Everything was always in its place, and no where could you see a speck of dust. 锅碗瓢盆都放得有条不紊,任何地方也找不出...

  • 月亮和六便士 第三十八章(1)

    Chapter 38 第三十八章 I did not see him again for nearly a week. 又有将近一个星期我没有再看到他。 Then he fetched me soon after seven one evening and took me out to dinner. 一天晚上刚过七点他来找我,约我出去吃晚饭...

  • 月亮和六便士 第三十七章

    Chapter 37 第三十七章 The circumstances of Blanche Stroeve's death necessitated all manner of dreadful formalities, 勃朗什施特略夫死后因为情况复杂需要一关一关地办理许多道手续, but at last we were allowed to bury he...

  • 月亮和六便士 第三十六章

    Chapter 36 第三十六章 The next week was dreadful. 这以后的一个星期简直是一场噩梦。 Stroeve went twice a day to the hospital to enquire after his wife, who still declined to see him; 施特略夫每天去医院两次探听妻子的病...

  • 月亮和六便士 第三十五章(2)

    I will tell her when she is a little calmer. 等她心情平静一些的时候我会告诉她的。 Dirk, filled with compassion, begged her to take the message at once. 戴尔克心头充满了无限悲悯,请求她立刻把这句话说给她听。...

  • 月亮和六便士 第三十五章(1)

    Chapter 35 第三十五章 I scarcely know how we got through that day. 我几乎说不清这一天我们是怎么过的了。 Stroeve could not bear to be alone, and I exhausted myself in efforts to distract him. I took him to the Louvre, 施特略夫...

  • 月亮和六便士 第三十四章(4)

    But when we arrived at the hospital, a gaunt, cheerless building, the mere sight of which was enough to make one's heart sick, 终于到了医院一座凄清阴惨的建筑物,一看见就让人心里发凉。 and after being directed from this off...

  • 月亮和六便士 第三十四章(3)

    Stroeve hid his face in his hands and swayed backwards and forwards, groaning. Was she conscious? 施特略夫用手捂着脸,一边前后摇晃着身体,一边呻吟。她那时候还有知觉吗? Yes. Oh, if you knew how she's suffering! I ca...

  • 月亮和六便士 第三十四章(2)

    He made despairing gestures with his hands, but still no words came from his mouth. 他的两只手做了几个绝望的姿势,仍然说不出一句整话来。 He might have been struck dumb. 他好象突然受到巨大的惊吓,变成哑巴了。...
