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  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第113期:想敲诈他

    Fill in the blanks. 抹掉空白处的杂音。 I think Dana recorded this in Lawson's office, listen. 我猜是戴娜是在劳森的办公室录的,你听。 What we're doing is wrong.So? 我们做的事是不对的。这么说? She recorded the...

  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第112期:塔伯特已经搞定

    Talbott won't be a problem again.Great work. 塔伯特已经搞定。干得不错。 But just one loose end. 不过还有点小麻烦。 Zoe Morgan. She had a bodyguard posing as a driver. 佐伊摩根。有个保镖扮作她的司机。 It was an un...

  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第110期:产业重心

    That is...you're too generous.Thank you. 您太客气了。谢谢。 You care for a tour of our facilities? This way. 想参观一下公司吗?请吧。 What we like to focus on is what people really need--pain relief. 我们的产业重心是百姓真...

  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第109期:幕后黑手是谁

    Lawson is heir to the entire Virtanen empire. 劳森是维尔塔宁帝国的继承人。 If Robert Keller ever found out, Lawson would lose everything. 要是被罗伯特凯勒发现他的私情,劳森将一无所有。 It wouldn't be hard for some...

  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第108期:分析音频

    I want to tell someone. 我要说出去。 Keeps me up at night. 晚上搅的我睡不着觉。 I'm working on the audio. 我在分析音频。 Interference suggests it was made on an old P.C.S.Cell network, making the recording at least two years ol...

  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第107期:录音

    Get down. 趴下。 Guess I'm paying you to do more than drive. 看来雇你当司机实在是屈才啊。 Mr. Reese, are you okay? 里瑟先生,你没事吧 Yeah, the hand-off was an ambush. 没事,这次交易有埋伏。 Douglas tried to kill...

  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第106期:玩弄别人

    Ah, just some old bootlegs. You like jazz? 只是些老歌。你喜欢爵士乐吗? You do? 你喜欢吗? Sure. Always loved what Miles Davis said about jazz. 当然了。一直都很喜欢迈尔斯戴维斯对爵士乐的评论。 Don't play wha...

  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第105期:笔录

    Your notes, murder weapon, 8 inch kitchen knife, which turned out plunged into the chest of your lead suspect. 你的笔录,凶器,8英寸的厨房刀,最后发现被捅进了你当年嫌犯的胸口。 That would be divine retribution. 真是现...

  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第104期:客户利益

    Good afternoon, Mr. Talbott. 下午好,塔伯特先生。 Nice of Virtanen to send a skirt. 维尔塔宁真是好心,送来个美女。 I understand that you have something of interest to my client. 我知道你手上有关乎我客户利益的东西...

  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第103期:帮我查个车牌照

    Okay, Finch, looks like Zoe's meeting with some businessman. 芬奇,佐伊似乎要和某个商人见面。 Sending you photos. Got another guy watching from an SUV. 照片给你发过去了。还有个在SUV里盯梢的男人。 Run a license plat...
