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  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 16 第十六章(13)

    搜索 复制 That a greater fool than Jane Eyre had never breathed the breath of life; 世上还不曾有过比简爱更大的傻瓜, that a more fantastic idiot had never surfeited herself on sweet lies, and swallowed poison as if it were nectar....

  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 16 第十六章(12)

    搜索 复制 But I wonder no wealthy nobleman or gentleman has taken a fancy to her. 不过我觉得很奇怪,为什么没有富裕的贵族或绅士看中她。 Mr. Rochester, for instance. He is rich, is he not? 譬如罗切斯特先生,他很有...

  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 16 第十六章(11)

    搜索 复制 And then she had such a fine head of hair. Raven-black and so becomingly arranged. 同时她还有一头很好的头发,乌黑乌黑,而又梳理得非常妥贴。 A crown of thick plaits behind, and in front the longest, the glossi...

  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 16 第十六章(10)

    搜索 复制 The ladies are very fond of him, 女士们都很喜欢他, though you would not think his appearance calculated to recommend him particularly in their eyes. 尽管你会认为,在她们眼里他的外貌并没有特别值得赞许的地...

  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 16 第十六章(9)

    搜索 复制 A tread creaked on the stairs at last. 楼梯上终于响起了吱格的脚步声。 Leah made her appearance. 莉娅来了。 But it was only to intimate that tea was ready in Mrs. Fairfax's room. 但她不过是来通知茶点己在费尔...

  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 16 第十六章(8)

    搜索 复制 I fancied sometimes I heard Mr. Rochester's own tread, 有时还在恍惚中听到罗切斯特先生自己的脚步声, and I turned to the door, expecting it to open and admit him. 便赶紧把脸转向门口,期待着门一开,他...

  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 16 第十六章(7)

    搜索 复制 She looked up with a sort of start. 她抬起头,颇有些吃惊。 Qu' avez-vous, mademoiselle? said she. 小姐,您...她说 Vos doigts tremblent comme la feuille, et vos joues sont rouges: mais, rouges comme des cerises! 你的手指...

  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 16 第十六章(6)

    搜索 复制 Yet, I reflected, she has been young once. 不过,我思忖道,她曾有过青春年华。 Her youth would be contemporary with her master's. 那时主人也跟她一样年轻。 Mrs. Fairfax told me once, she had lived here many ye...

  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 16 第十六章(5)

    搜索 复制 Mrs. Poole, said she, addressing Grace, the servants' dinner will soon be ready. Will you come down? 普尔太太,她对格雷斯说,佣人的午饭马上就好了,你下楼去吗? No, just put my pint of porter and bit of puddi...

  • 《简·爱》 Chapter 16 第十六章(3)

    搜索 复制 When people get elderly, they often sleep heavy. 人老了,总是睡得很死。 She paused, and then added, with a sort of assumed indifference, 她顿了一顿,随后装作若无其事的样子, but still in a marked and signifi...
